First deal in the second week, already

Hello everyone,

the first week of work is nearly over and I have done a lot of research. These last couple of days I worked on the PXE server. Unfortunately i could not finish the work on it, because the installation required a DHCP setting with static IP-addresses. I am not familiar with the setting and did not want to cause any errors in the network.To be on the safe side, I decided to search online for important information and spoke with my boss about the network settings. We will try and solve the problem next week.

Besides I sorted a lot of hardware that will be sold in the next days and weeks and run a few Windows 7 installations.


Today I had a meeting with a stock holder. He wants to work on small PC with the option to connect eight monitors on it. Furthermore it should be a very small PC, because he wants to travell with it.

In the evening I will go to the „Karma Stone Bar“ with Angelo, Toni and my housemate. The son of my „host-dad“ works there and he invited us. Rayn said, that they have some famous international beer like „Becks“ or „Heineken“. After that, he will drive us home. It is very obliging, because after midnight the buses drive only to the city centre.


The first four days went by

Hi there!

Right now is my fourth day at Steria Ltd. Meanwhile I’ve learned a good half of the names of my colleages, so it’s much easier to communicate with each other. 😀 The first day passed really fast, because the meeting lasts almost 3 hours. After that I was introduced to the daily check-up routines and the ticket system, which I couldn’t use, because I didn’t get web access with my laptop – more on that later. The next tasks were some warranty research for some hard drives for a NAS and the comparision of two config files. Afterwards we called IBM for the reference numbers of the hard drives, which we need for the warranty processing. Some minutes lates we’ve got a call from IBM again and it turned out, that IBM have made mistakes in 7 of our 8 warranty cases, so we need to correct the statements together. Yesterday I was on tour with Rick Browne for some field work. We went up to AMI (Asset Management Ireland Ltd), where we erased the hard drives with a strong electromagnet. Today we went down to Dungannon to restart a shut off NAS at the South Tyrone Hospital.

Just like the Charité IT team in Germany, where I’ve done my last internship, Steria supports hardware for hospitals, with the small difference that we only support X-ray computers, servers and network storage here – thank God.

Next, I will get an introduction of all the contracts of Steria. And for next week it is planned to let me test some new apps.

And now back to my web access problem. I have figured out that Skype is functioning all the time and only the web access is blocked sometime, so the next days I will try to find out which ports are blocked and which not.


Welcome to another episode of The IT Crowd. That’s how I felt anyway when I was standing in the server room of System Dynamics. I was hoping for someone to make it simple and just hand me the Internet. The room itself is actually quite cool… on one side of it because that’s where the cooling system is. It’s an interesting setup because there is no real cold aisle but it’s all just one room and two air-conditioning systems facing each other on one side, blowing the freezing air onto you as you follow the cables from patch panels to the switch and vice versa. There are 5 racks in the room that are housing several switches, 3 of which are stacked Cisco C3750s that are supposed to be the core of the network because they – again – are supposed to have taken the place of older Cisco switches which are still in the setup for some reason. I guess I could make that my project to get rid of those and maybe tidy up the whole thing. I might need more than 7 weeks by the looks of it, though. Seeing as I don’t work on the weekends or do night shifts, it might be even impossible to achieve any of this at all without causing any downtime.

It pretty much goes without saying, that I have spent the last couple of days only documenting what is in that room because the last documentation is a few years old and there are quite a number of things that have changed or haven’t been documented in the first place. I am now trying to match the ports on the patch panels to the ports in the floor so I can add a few more details to the documentary like the desk numbers and people sitting there. It might be a waste of time, though, because as I have mentioned in an earlier post, there are only about 25-30 out of some 200 people in the office at any given time and I might never even get to see some of them.

I am hoping to see more of my colleagues in the following weeks though, as I have signed up for a few events like the Dublin Staff Relay as a supporter and a hiking tour in the Wicklow Mountains National Park where I hope to be able to enjoy the scenery while hiking some 7km. There is also going to be a BBQ next month that I am invited to and this is going to be on the ship that you can see in my last blog entry, the Jeanie Johnston.

Seeing as I wrote quite a lot the last time and people told me, that they haven’t even started reading this blog, I’m going to keep it rather short this time as to not let it stack up too high and give those stragglers a fighting chance to keep up.

Just a quick heads up on upcoming topics: George informed me that we will go to a bar on Friday where I will have a few drinks, maybe even Guinness 😉 and the weather is supposed to be awesome this weekend so I’m thinking about going to Dún Laoghaire and walk down the quay. There’s also the Docklands Summer Festival around the Grand Canal Dock area so I might check that out as well.


Working at Speechstorm

I started working this Monday and arrived just in time to participate in a weekly meeting of the entire company where I was introduced to the staff followed by their regular topics. The company I am working for is called Speechstorm, which is developing their own stand alone programs providing a telephone based interactive communication system for customers all around the world. The idea behind this software is to allow big companies to handle a massive amount of calls whether they are just for the purpose of receiving informations such as account balance or directing them to an agent who will then help the customer based on their needs. To make those calls more time efficient and effective the agent is given a list of useful informations directly displayed on his monitor while talking to the customer on the phone. Those informations are collected by the software either by the inputs a caller made by pressing numbers on the keyboard (DMTF recognition) or by the voice recognition engine which is running in the background which is totally optional.

Although many similar programs are already in use, Speechstorm is setting new standards when it comes to flexibility combined with easy to configure software. Customers are able to set up Speechstorm dependend on their needs and can also decided whether they want to use text to speech as the output or upload their prompts on their own.

To really get into the programming itself I am currently reading through a lot of repositories to get a better understanding how the frameworks are working. The code itself is a combination of javascript with a SQL Database in the background.
I am really satisfied about my placement and couldn’t be happier in this type of environment with a small and young team in the background willing to help me wherever they can.

short summary of my work experience

I’ve worked for 3 and a half days now. I don’t have to much to do because our projects start the next weeks. So I had much time to talk to the employees. The company is really „colorful“, we got many people from different country’s here. And it is much fun to hear all the story’s and experiences. And I don’t feel that bad when i got words wrong or pronounce them wrong because nearly everybody does that too. I’m really looking forward the next weeks.

My first work experience in Belfast

My first days at work were different to Germany but still okay.
On Monday we met with about 20 other people from all over Europe
which all had their first day at Concentrix and we were introduced all together to the company.
Except Max, Eric and me all would become real employees and had to receive an
introduction first. So we met at the Lesley Exchange building near the central station
of Belfast to meet Allan who’s something like the manager for different personal
matters. He’s usually around in the Electronic Arts section of Concentrix but on this day
he was the one that has shown the group the 3 different buildings in Belfast which
are spread over the city. On tuesday we met Peter at the reception of the branch on
Lanyon Place which is also pretty close to the Lesley Exchange one. He gave us
our first task to move PCs which weren’t in use to another room and take care
of the cables and network equipment. After accomplishing few another small jobs
inside the building our second day was over.
All in all I look forward for other tasks that are IT related because the most
of them are done by the Tech department itself and we are given more facility keeping
related ones but the colleagues are nice and I’m sure we can talk about
that with them soon.

System Dynamics Group Ltd

Sunday was spent in and on my bed. I did go out to buy a bag of Tesco’s finest Nuts & Raisins and a bottle of water for work but other than that I was in my room all day. I mostly read The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks because I have to give it back to Travelling Languages and I’d rather do that sooner than later.

Monday apparently was everybody’s first day of work. Interestingly enough, it was my first day at System Dynamics Group Ltd. Now, I had a general idea of the whereabouts of the company but decided to be there early to find out the exact location and be able to show off my German punctuality. I actually only planned on about a half hour window but when I went off the bus at Tara Station and boldly checked the time on my phone, it showed a very generous 75 minutes left until the appointment at 9:30 am. Not impressed by that much time but by this beautiful morning, I decided to go for a walk along the quay itself and to take pictures like a real tourist would do.

After walking around and taking pictures like a professional person of Asian ancestry, I used my phone to zero in on my target, the Whitaker Court. A last check up on my looks and I was ready to plunge into the adventure that was to be my first day.

When I went into the building, I spoke to the nice lady that kindly buzzed me through the door and told her who I was. She didn’t really care and sent me up to the first floor where I was greeted by yet another door that was locked. I huffed and puffed but I couldn’t blow down that wooden door. Turns out, I’m not such a big bad wolf after all. Anyways, another nice lady let me through that door and I told her my story. She seemed genuinely interested and called Eamonn McGinley after having me sit down in one of the two chairs opposite her desk. Eamonn came to the front desk only a few seconds later and introduced himself as Eamonn McGinley. I would have done the same but I quickly realized that he probably wouldn’t believe that my name was Eamonn McGinle, too. I settled on telling him the truth about me and together we went into the office which is basically almost the whole 1st floor of the building. We first went to his desk, where I put down my stuff and after a few words he realized, we might be better off utilizing one of the smaller conference rooms. We sat down and he showed me a printed version of a PowerPoint presentation that was supposed to introduce the company.

I have read most of the information from that presentation online and didn’t understand a lot of it because I couldn’t believe that there wasn’t more to this company than the website suggested. What I gathered is: System Dynamics Group Ltd develops and sells programs as well as selling licenses and providing experts for hire. It’s an interesting scheme because System Dynamics consists of about 200 people of which only a maximum of 25 – 30 people are present in the office at any given time.

Eamonn told me about how he came to this company and what he did before working as an IT Administrator at System Dynamics and in turn I told him about myself, the way the apprenticeship works in Germany and what I hoped to achieve in the internship. That last part was actually only addressed because he asked me about it and I told him honestly that I didn’t know an answer to his question and that I only hope to gain experience in any kind of work he could provide me with. He wasn’t sure what to give me at first so he showed me around the office a bit, introduced me to a couple of my new colleagues and let me set up my desk and computer.

The setup of the office is quite nice because the desks are big enough to comfortably sit at and the rows are facing each other so you could have up to eight people in a kind of a group together. The only problem about that is the division into these… mini-departments which means that even though you could talk about different projects and kind of work on them in an open discussion, it just doesn’t make sense because none of the people I, for example, am facing has anything to do with the IT in this company. They’re still nice people, though and have welcomed me very kindly.

Around 1ish, Eamonn took me for a walk around the neighborhood and showed me all the places where I could buy food in case I ever got filthy rich overnight. He then treated me to a nice sandwich and a cup of tea while we talked some more about how this whole internship program works. After our lunch break we went back to the office where I used the next 3 hours to try to figure out how I’m going to document the mess that is supposed to be System Dynamics’ network infrastructure.

Later that day, the Ladies Schulte-Clarke and Langnickel from the OSZ IMT wanted to meet to hear about our experience so far. We met right after work and went to the Stag’s Head, a pub near the Trinity College. While having a couple of Budweisers, they interviewed us about what we’re doing at work, how we’re accommodated and if we had any suggestions on what to improve. One thing you have to keep in mind in Ireland is to never lose track of time. We did exactly that and while most of the guys went earlier, Toni, George, Jonas and I stayed till well after 11pm. We ended up having to take a taxi and I walked another half hour after that because I had no money left to get a ride home.

After having not more than 5 hours of sleep and a morning with one of the best hangovers, I quickly got ready for work, took some Ibuprofen and left. I spent pretty much all Tuesday with configuring a Laptop for one of my colleagues. There was a lot of crappy HP and Microsoft software on it that I had to get rid of and after I’d done that, I had to install the software that he would really need.

System Dynamics is an IBM partner so they use a lot of IBM software as well as hardware although they’re trying to get rid of some of that. This is also a problem that you have to face when you try to understand SD’s network but that is a story for another day… 😉

Wednesday the 14th

Hello everyone,

we just finished our third day of work and I still can´t understand any context yet but I slowly get used to it.
The National Museum of Northern Ireland (shortterm: NMNI) is a very good place for work.
It is fully surrounded by a forest and the environment looks nice.
The colleagues are very nice and its fun to work with them.
I have to take a train because the NMNI is located in the north of Belfast,so it takes about 40 minutes arrive at work but it’s ok since it’s equivalent to commute in Germany.
The train always arrives on schedule which is better then at home so I always arrive punctual which really ease the morning routine.

The internship has started

Hey everyone,

the last days were very nice and the time passed away quickly. On Saturday, Pauls family was here for afternoon coffee, cake and dinner. We talked a lot about Ireland, Germany, culture in both countrys and the first experiences that I have collected in Dublin. The people here in Dublin are more comfortable and more polite than the people in Berlin. Maybe that is because the city is much smaller as well as the population.

Monday was my first day at work. I am very glad to have the opportunity to work here in the „Computer Factory“. We had a warm welcome.

First Joe showed us the area and on which places we will work during the next 7 weeks.
He defeated us in billiard and told us what he has done in his whole career.

And it was a lot of fun.

Today we cleaned some PCs and Christopher and I chose one for our WSUS update server.
We upgraded the amount of the RAM so that the server will have enough resources for challenging tasks.


We installed „Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2“ from a disk for a temporary test environment.
Christopher installed the Windows Server Update Services role, because we decided that he will
manage the WSUS server and i will try to install a PXE installation server.
Besides that, we got some information from the internet about the server roles.

  I am looking forward to have a wunderful time in my internship.

First two days at work

Yesterday was my first day at Kedington NI a company that offers ICT solutions like
structured cabling, VOIP, intelligent lighting and UPS.
I started my work at 8:30am, I was greeted by a nice guy called Mark.
He showed me my workplace and told me to sit down for a few minutes, until Hans arrives who would take care of me for today.
A couple of minutes later Hans arrived, showed me around and introduced me to the few people that were here today.
All of my co-worker that I met so far are very nice and kind.
On monday Hans introduced me to his tasks, he is the Managment Accountant, he takes care about all the finances here at KNI.
I haven’t got much informations about my tasks so far but I’ve met Lawrence today who gave me a few more informations about my tasks.
Steven another co-worker gave me a brief overview on intelligent lighting what it means, what you can do and how much money you can save.
Tomorrow I’m going with Lawrence to a costumer, to collect some data about the intelligent lighting that they put up there.