And. Here. We. Go!

Well not quite… It’s only Saturday evening and I need to tell you about what happened the last couple of days.

On Wednesday, we met Margaret for the first time. She seems nice enough and is – as far as I can tell – quite committed to making our stay here as enjoyable an experience as can be. I found out where I was supposed to be working, had it not been for a change in personnel in the Beaumont Hospital, which is only about 10 minutes from where I am staying now. They cancelled because, with the changes going on, they wouldn’t have the time to take care of me properly. Margaret however, told me not to worry because she was expecting to hear from another company that very evening. I was not concerned in the least because I was kind of looking forward to another couple of days of vacation. 😉

Thor’s day, was in fact so uneventful that I don’t even remember what I did except for uploading the report I had written on Wednesday but hadn’t have the energy to fill with pictures, yet. Ah! I bought a little container of Nivea Night Cream that was supposed to help with healing my lips and nose because I had actually rubbed them raw with the tissues and the Vaseline only made it worse. The cream helped a great deal although the first couple of times it burned like a sonovabitch but I guess they couldn’t just print:” Don’t apply on raw flesh; hurts like a sonovabitch!” on the container…

Yesterday was our last day of school here in Ireland though we’ll be learning a great deal in the weeks to come. When are you ever done learning, right?! We had a little exam and saw Due Date afterwards. It’s a movie with Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man) and Zach Galifianakis (Hangover) who plays a character that nobody could ever stand. It was a lot of fun and I actually didn’t remember this movie being that funny.
After being presented with a certificate for the completion of the course, Toni, George and I went to eat a burrito. We had about an hour after lunch, to get to the Guinness Storehouse and Margaret’s office which is right around the corner of the aforementioned. We decided to walk instead of taking the bus, which turned out to be a good idea because for one, it was a nice and sunny day and the other, we walked by Christ Church Cathedral. Now, I’m not religious but I do appreciate nice architecture and the Head of the Church kind of does, too.


CCC looks really cool with all its really interesting features that come from the repeated reconstruction and probably also adding of specific features, popular at certain times. Margaret later told us, that visitors are actually allowed into the crypt beneath the Cathedral and that is something I am definitely going to check out.
When we arrived at Margaret’s office, she gave us a small tour through the building which actually holds a huge variety of different start-ups and a lot of IT-based businesses. She also handed me the information concerning my work placement but I will write about that later [probably next week ;)].

The tour at the Guinness Storehouse was self-guided which was cool because you could set your own pace. While the process of brewing a Guinness is much like that of brewing any other beer (e.g. Kilkenny, Berliner Pilsner, Becks, Heineken, etc.), George, Toni and I had the opportunity to participate in a course, teaching us how to taste a Guinness the way it is intended.


We went on upwards to the Sky Bar after finishing the class with honors. Well maybe not honors but at least we had a small Guinness before now getting a bigger one. The view from Sky Bar is great. If it hadn’t been as crowded, I would have taken the time to read all the information provided on the glass all around the bar but we just barely managed to find a spot to take a few pictures before leaving there and finishing our pints in the middle of the room.


The Sky Bar being the end of the tour, we decided to go home and not linger on too long. I came home to a salad with eggs, ham and cheese and a cup of tea with Ann. We talked about a variety of different topics ranging from the way her house used to look 25 years ago when they first moved here to the disgraceful murder of a young woman in Galway who was stabbed by a 27 year old man, yesterday. Ann’s daughter Deirdre came by later to do Ann’s hair and I took that as a cue to go to my room. Before going to bed I booked a trip with Travelling Languages (our school here in Dublin) for the 24th and 25th of May for 145€ to Connemara. It’s supposed to play further into my language learning experience here and I’m looking forward to it.

I met George today at around 12 o’clock. We wanted to go to O’Connell Street to buy shirts and a tie for him at Penneys as well as postcards and stamps. I was looking to buy shoes that would withstand the Connemara weather but all they had at Penneys were flip-flops. We had lunch at Papa John’s, a pizza place, for 8€ each including a soda from the infamous Coca-Cola brand. It was a lot of fun, waiting for the little doohickey to vibrate so you know your order is ready. When I was walking home a couple of hours ago, it started to rain again, naturally. But as Roger Miller put it:” Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet.” I’ll let you be the judges to which kind of person I am in this case.


Have a good night!

PS: This post scriptum is actually only here so I can brag about having over 1000 words in one of my posts. I hope you’ll understand. It was a lot of fun! 😉

The first week is over

Hi there!

Right now, we are quite exactly one week in Ireland. We have passed our language school and made our first experiences with the country and the people. Taken as whole the lessons at the language school offered nothing really new for me, but I think they were a good preparation to adjust oneself to speak English, considering that we only can speak English starting on Monday. The language school aside, I guess we spent most of our time walking around. I’ve already been thinking of buying a bike, but actually I am lucky enough to have the shortest commute, so I will await the course of events. Today was our lazy day, we slept until noon and had breakfast. Maybe we will do something in the evening. Tomorrow we will visit the Gaints Causeway, so I hope the weather stays steady.

Giro d’Italia

Hi everybody!

Today we had our last day at school. We started as always at 9:00 am and in the first lesson we learned about wishes and regrets and where do you it and in which forms. That lesson was over really fast and we went to the break. In the second lesson we got a new teacher because our other teacher Gale was sick that day. In this lesson we had multiple texts with multiple headlines und cover pictures which we had to match correctly. The time went by really quick like the other one before and leo and I went down to get our certificate. He got his certificate for the C1 level and I for B2 and I dont really understand it because we where in the same course. However I am still lucky that I got it.

Then right after school Leo, Martin and I decided to go to the city center to watch the Giro d’Italia but there was nothing because there were still in the preparation. So we split up, Leo and Martin went to the city court and I went through the street looking for some nice shops and I founds one. The shop is called „Forbidden Planet“ and is full with comic and cartoon stuff. I spend like an hour in there and looked at all the stuff they had. Now I can call a parody book of the brony fandom, a card game and a BMO plushie mine. Tomorrow I will go there again because I am going to meet a guy here from Belfast to watch some cartoons togehter and have a little chat.


Language School and the Gym

Hello everyone,

today we finished the language school.
It was very funny, because all of the teachers were very nice. I’m in a class with a Switzer, a lot of spanish people and two people from Italy.
Everybody has their own dialect and it was sometimes hard to understand this people, but after one day it works.
After the school Tim, Nick and me went to the Queens Gym which is called Technogym.
At first we rode the bikes. Meanwhile you can watch movies, listen music, play games on the screen. I have never seen this before.
The gym has a lot of squash halls, gym rooms and all kinds of sports equipments, which are needed for a perfect trainin, but it is very expensive it cost 6 pounds a day or for two month 65 pounds.
And it was a lot of fun.

One week down..Seven to go

Hey everyone,

the first week is nearly over and it has not been boring. I think the next seven weeks will be just as exciting. So far my experieces in dublin have been very educational. In the school we were split up into 2 classes. In my class we have learnt some phrases and about the tenses. We talked about life experiences and discussed some sensitive topics like data security and working with the Internet.


On Thursday Margaret has visited us and gave us the important information about where and in which company we will work. I am very lucky that my workplace is nearly 15 minuts away from home.
All other students are forced to work in the city centre, which means that they have a much longer way to commute everyday.

Today was the most exicting day of the week, because we went to the „Guinniss Storehouse“. It has four floors and a dome on top. In the dome we have recieved a free pint and had a very nice view over the whole city.


After that, Angelo, Toni an I visited the old monuments of old Dulblin and enjoyed the Friday afternoon.

Thursday the 8th of may

Hi there people!

Today was not a spectacular day. I went to school this morning and was there at 9:00 am but the class started at 9:20 am because there were so many people too late. In the first lesson however we learned a bit about stressed sentences and linked word and that was pretty intresting but still nothing really new to me. A bit later we got a new classmate, his name was Fernando. He is from spain and got in my group. Together we did some group tasks, I was directed to Fernando and Nacho and the teacher wrote a sentence on the board and the guys had to explain it without using any words from the sentence. I got almost everything right but sometimes it was just a word that was missing. In the second class we talked about jobs and CVs, how do you right one and what do you put in it. The lesson was over really quick and we went home.

Tim and I decided to took a „little“ nap for like 3 hours and then we went to the city center to buy some clothes and stuff like that. I have some problems regarding my credit card because I forgot the unlock the pin before I got here so now I can’t use it, exept I send it back to germany so one of my roomates could do that for me. So now I had to search for a ATM that accepts my girocard and we had to test like 4 different banks until i found one where I could get some money. Now I have some money and finally I can spend it on exploring the city. Tomorrow I will met again with Jane to watch the Giro d’Italia and to do some activities. I am glady looking forward to that!


Ireland – First Impressions

Arriving at Dublin the capital of Ireland already proofed that this really is a cloudy country but still I was not going to judge this country by its nasty weather but more by its people and lifestyle. After a bus trip which already gave us some good impressions what life looks like on the countryside and divided our group into their different headings a small part of the AFIB after around 6 hours finally arrived at Belfast.

We were picked up by our agency Intern Europe and met our landlord a couple of cab minutes later who showed us around the flats we‘ll be living in for the next two months. With a smile on everyones faces we had our first very good impression about how life could be throughout our internship.

Now a couple of days later I can say that this changed much faster than expected…

Exploring Belfast

On Wednesday we again went to the language school. It was pretty interesting as we talked about regular illnesses and what you can do against them. Also we’ve been taught how to express emotions in sentences and had several talks with different people. After the school we’ve had 1 hour free time where we took our lunch and prepared for the walk to the „Crumlin Road Gaol“. Our walk started at the international house in the University Street and took about 30 minutes. It was quite interesting to see the other parts of the city, which I haven’t explored yet. We arrived around 2.30pm and the group consisted of several students from Spain, Germany and some locals which took also part of the tour. It took a few minutes and we were introduced to the history of the prison. The prison itself was a big complex where up to about 1.400 people were held in custody. Today the locals say it’s haunted and it is an akward feeling to access the ground floors after 0am. The guide was very kind and told us many facts about the past time. We also where shown photos of arrested persons. After one and a half hour the tour ended and we were taken to the entry again where our group split up. After a little walk to the city center we entered TK-Maxx which is a company where you can buy expensive clothing for reduced prices. I buyed some clothes and when we were finished we went to few another shops and strolled around the city. Around 5 o’clock we went back to our homes and enjoyed the evening.

First few days

On Saturday the 3th May at 12.00am MESZ our plane lifted off from the german ground and headed towards Dublin Airport. The flight took about 2 hours and I spend the most time sleeping in a comfortable seat. Around 1pm we arrived at the airport and after picking up the luggage we went to the bus stop. The bus to Belfast departed a few minutes before we got there so we had to wait about 1 hour for the next one. The view on the bus ride was awesome and it was a nice example for the rich countryside the Island of Ireland has to offer.

When we arrived on the bus stop we called Colin from Intern Europe to announce that we are now in Belfast. After a little talk with Ruth Baxter from Intern Europe we were told where to head and we took cabs to our apartments in the University Street. The land lord already awaited us and we were shown our flats. They are pretty new and well equipped.

We took a walk to TESCO and bought the most important stuff. On Tuesday we had our first day in the international house which is a language school for persons from different countries to improve their english skills. They offer courses for each skill level and prepare for language examinations as well.

At first we had to take a skill assessment including a little talk to rate our current level of english and on the second half of the day we went to our classes. We introduced ourselves to our teacher and were taught a few things about common english usage. When the school was over we went back to our apartments and had lunch. On 2pm we met our coordinator for the school and she offered us a few events which we could participate in the next few weeks. After signing in for some of those activities we went for a walk through Belfast where we were shown a few great places to go and sights that are worth a visit. Later that day we met again at the Intern Europe building and had a talk with a few associates to exchange our first experiences. We also spoke about the next days and our work placements, the people were very nice and offered us their help on any kind of problems that may occur. After all I could already feel that I will enjoy the next two months in Belfast a lot.