Thank you Angelo

Hey everyone,

actually I would like to write something about our „Roadtrip“, but I read Angelo’s blog entry and guess there is no information that he hasn’t mentioned. I totally agree that the trip was a moment in my life that I won’t forget. The countryside looks like it was edited with „Photoshop“. Unbelieveable and a little bit unreal if you don’t see it with your own eyes. The only negativ point was that I worn my new white shoes. During our climbing they were full of mud but to me it was worth it. The view from the top of the mountain was awesome. On the top we took a little brake, eaten some cookies, enjoyed the nice air and the beauty of the nature.


Angelo organized the roadtrip more than good and he and Paul drove perfectly in the Irish traffic.
I thank you guys for the nice days, lovely birthday presents, beautiful and funny moments! I wish we could repeat this some day.

Yours George

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