The cinema again

Hi there!

4 movies in 4 weeks. Yep, even I am surprised about that. I guess I’ve been more often in cinemas here in Belfast than the last two years back at home in Germany. I think this is because I don’t have a car here or a PC that is capable to run good games and it’s still to cold to go to a lake. But now back to my work project. ASP.NET is actually a pretty interesing framework because of the MVC (model, view and controller) design. The programming language that is used is C#, which is quite similar to Java, at least in terms of the logic. The benefiting difference is that you can use some SQL commands in the C# environment. I have the feeling that I make good progress in understanding the framework, even if I have some problems sometimes, because I can’t use the normal HTML attributes everywhere so easily.

First part of the week

Yesterday and today we had a lot of work to do. Again there were many PCs to move but since we had to check that the whole equipment is in the same constellation like before we only were able to pick up 2 at once. Tuesday is like in Dublin cinema day too. The price is 3 Pound for each film and they are showing the newest blockbusters. Eric, Leo and me went to „The Edge of Tomorrow“, it was an impressive movie in my opinion and definitly worth the watch. Tomorrow we need to move fully packed lockers, which will also take a lot of time as we have to move the  stuff which is in there seperatly. If this is done, I think it will be a bit quieter at all. I’m looking forward for the weekend because I’ve planned to visit the Belfast Zoo (which is near the Cave Hill) or the museum, so if you are interested in the experiences look out for my entry.