Work week

My work week was as usual a mixture of moving equipment around and reassembling PCs. On Monday we had to move Thin-Clients from one branch to another but because the cables were needed elsewhere we couldn’t get them to work at all. Eric, Max and me are moving more and more between the 3 buildings, so we often need to walk around the city ourselves, which is great because Belfast is at least in the inner city an interesting place to be during the work hours. For example we’ve seen a few Google Street View cars on the roads or in front of the court there were interviews taken with the local news reporters which were broadcasted to BBC. There are quite a lot of ways to go to the Riverhouse building and we usually take the one which is going along a small pedestrian area where a lot of Cafés and restaurants are located, including the big Victoria Square Shopping Centre which is a nice place for having lunch. On Wednesday Mr. Bavar, Mrs. Neumann and Mrs. Teichmann came along our firm to talk to us about the work experience and the internship in general. They were accompanied by Ruth from Intern Europe and Mrs. Brady from Concentrix whom had a nice talk with them. After exchanging a few words and taking some pictures they had to go again because of the tight shedule they had for the day. On that day the CCNA NetRiders also took place, where some of us had participated. On Thursday and Friday we had to assemble fans for the buildings and fix up office chairs. We we’re around in different contractor areas which gave us again an impression who the things are working there in the company. All in all it was quite a nice week and I’m looking forward for the remaining time in Belfast.

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