MCM ComicCon Belfast

Hello everyone!

At saturday Tim, Martin, Nick, Joel and I went to the ComicCon here in Belfast. I really love to go to cenventios and suff like that. Just the feeling when you know everybody around you love comics, mangas or ponies! There were a lot of people selling some merchandise from popular comic series like Batman or from games like the Legend of Zelda but the thing I love most at conventions is the Cosplay. A cosplayer is a boy or a girl dressed up as a charakter from an anime or from a comic book and there were a lot of cosplayers. Have some pictures!

Joel with Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII
Joel with Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII

What time is it?
What time is it?

Star Trek
Star Trek

I really loved it because the people were nice and there were so much merch that you could buy. I think that Nick, Joel and I liked it but Tim and Martin not so much which I can understand. You have to be a fan of such stuff to like it or else you just staying there and think yourself „What is this?“

Fhtagn <3!

In the end I can say that it was a nice day even if we waited like one and a half hour in the rain to get our tickets. I am most happy about the Applejack plushie I bought which looks super cute together with the Link plushie from the Legend of Zelda that Joel bought.

Go on my royal mare

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