Second Part of the weekend

After the Comic Con we decided to drive back to the city and go to a few shops again. Martin was interested into the Nintendo GameCube which was actually sold at a pawnbroker called CashConverters. Before we went there Eric, Joel and Nick were interested in visiting a store called Forbidden Planet which was  something  like a mixture of all convention stands we of the Comic Con and sells everything what is related to the drawn art. The shop was overran, I think because of the event earlier the day and after looking around a few minutes Martin and I decided to go ahead of the  others to CashConverters. On the way to there we found a similiar shop which was way larger and we looked after games that we know from the past. Since we found some of them but nothing which interested us any further we left it and we’re heading back the original destination. Martin bought a black version of the console and a game and after meeting up with the others we went to Iceland to buy some groceries. When we got back home we made some burgers in the evening and had a good time. The Sunday was mostly eventless and after having a relaxed day it’s now bed time for me.

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