
Hello everyone!

I think I already talked about that one market we have next to our work placement at the Lesley Exchange Building from Concentrix. At friday Tim and I were there again and agein we were looking for lunch. This time when we looked around we found another Burger stand but this one was special. It was so special because they had him and with him I mean the „Titanic Burger“. That Burger was giantic. Two times 6oz Steaks, two times Bacon pieces, four cheese slices, rocket, and grilled onions. When the griller finished the Burger he said „It is like a piece of art“ and I said „Beautiful“ then the man next to me said „Beautiful is the perfect word to discribe it …“. The taste of that Burger is … you know … I can’t tell you. It is indeed to good to say it in words you have to go and eat by yourself.

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