Football game and relaxed Sunday

Saturday evening Eric, Marco, Nick, Leo, Martin and me went to a pub around the corner to watch the football game (England vs. Italy) in a pub. The pub itself was quite nice and they equipped every wall with at least one tv. With adding all of them the number would be around 15 screens where the game was shown at. We expected the pub to be more full but there we’re only a few groups of people with us. They weren’t really happy that England lost but the atmosphere was okay at all. We played a bit of billiard and table soccer and after a few funny hours we went back to our apartments. The sunday was mostly eventless. Leo and me walked a bit through the botanic park which is really nice and always a place where alot and all kinds of people are around. Since there are only to more weeks to go and I want to visit the distillery of Bushmills at least once Martin and me decided to go there next weekend too. It requires a bit of travelling but I think it’s worth the effort.

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