Sunday – Bushmills distillery

On Sunday I had to get up really early, because Martin came into our apartment quarter to 9. We had planned to take a trip to Bushmills and at 3 after 9 René, Martin and me managed it to start our walk to the Botanic Train Station which was almost too late. I never took a train during my stay in NI before so I appreciated the extras they had to offer. In every train there is an open Wi-Fi which you can use during the ride, which is in my opinion useful and impressive as the route is along rural areas and the train speeds up to I think 70 – 80 miles/h between the stops. After we disembarked at the Colerain Train Station we had to wait 30 minutes for the 402 bus which is called the Causeway Rambler. During the rapid bus ride we had a few awesome views over the coast including all kinds of countryside, from steep cliffs to nice beaches. Only minutes before the distillery has opened we arrived there and were included in the first group that entered the complex that day. We first went to the gift shop to see what they are selling there and then we took our lunch in a canteen which  is directly connected to the shop. When we’ve got back from the lunch to the entry hall, one of the clerks there told us that the next tour is going to start in 5 minutes and we should register for it now. We did what he told us and participated in it. It was interesting to see how the whiskey is produced from the mesh, to the fermenting, to the destilling and at the end the ripening. We got to know the differences between the types of whiskey and after that we we’re led to a bar where we were able to try out the product. I’ve had a glass of the 12 year old distillery reserve which you only can buy in their shop and it was in my opinion a real good spirit. The tour took us 40 minutes and after we’ve got the some souveniers we went back to Belfast. It was a nice day and I think it was worth the journey time. So as the next week is going to be the last one here, I wish everybody who is staying in (N)I that the last week will be a great one.

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