Its over

As I said in my last post the 8 weeks are over and we’re back in Germany.
After we finished work on Friday Nick and I packed our stuff and fitting everything back into the suitcase was not that easy but in the end we did it!
Afterwards Nick and I started to clean our apartment, he did the dishes I cleaned the oven Martin task was to mop the floor but he wasn’t there yet.
I decided to book a cab for the next morning so we don’t have to walk to the bus that takes us to the Dublin airport.
Our bus left at around 2:30 am on Saturday we arrived at around 5am at the airport. We checked in and ate breakfast and headed to our gate.
We left Dublin with a little delay but arrived on time in Berlin.
After I arrived at home I decided to take a nap and spend the rest of the weekend doing nothing but relaxing.
All I can say now is that this was a great experience and that I can recommend it to everyone.

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