The last few days weren’t that special. Except that we had to dismiss from Peter. We invited him to Germany and he said if he comes around in Berlin sometime again, he is definitly going to see us. After cleaning up our apartment we went a last time to the pub „The Hatfield House“, and drank some of their own brew which is quite a decent beer and talked to a guy we’ve met there before. He was often around the area because his flat is just a 2 minutes walk away and after playing some pool billiard me and Leo went home. We’ve planned to take the bus at 1 o’clock and we reached it 15 minutes before it has departed. The drive to the airport was nice, since the Translink Goldline busses are very well build for the comfort of the passengers. After going around the Terminals we ended up in the Aer Lingus Line and when we were finished with the luggage, we already saw Martin, René, Nick and Maria. We waited until they had finished and went on to the secruity checks. It took several minutes until we passed them and then we strolled around the even bigger part of the Airport. It was like a big maze, there are so many ways to go and so many shops that you could fill the whole day walking around in the area I think. We had a breakfast and then sat down at the gate waiting for the boarding. The flight itself was quiet, but I had a cold and was really pressure-sensitive at this time so I felt pain while the plane was going up and down. I was happy when we safely landed in Germany. All in all I enjoyed the stay in Belfast and I think that the overall experience was helpful in terms of improving my english and social behaviour in other countries.