First part of the weekend

On Friday the spanish guys in the flat above us celebrated some kind of birthday party and they dressed really funny. Already in the afternoon it began to become louder in the house and until the evening there we’re many people around and they later started moving to Leveries. Toni, Eric, Max, Martin, Nick and me promised to join later and after spending some time with showing Toni the city and getting ready for the pub we decided to go out. Many people we’re on the streets and we had a talk with a few of them but unfortunately the pub was already closed for other guests than those who were already in and as most of the other pubs already we’re closing because of the curfew we went back to our flat and still had a good night. The saturday was quiet and mostly eventless.

Work week

This week was related to work as usual, Max, Eric and me had to check many monitors for their functionality and after that we again had to help Peter. He’s lately busy with moving around stuff because the people aren’t agreeing with each other where the stuff should be put, so in one case we already moved the same equipment three times, and now it’s in its original place but better sorted. While switching between the different buildings we were moving many lockers, cupboards, PCs and other things which are needed in the other branches. Sadly the IT-department consists of so many people that we (most of the time) only get tasks like dismantling systems and rebuild them but all in all the work with Peter is funny and I like to help him.

the weekend in total

Hello everyone,

this weekend Toni visited us and we has showed him the capital of nothern ireland and it was very funny.
In the friday evening we wanted to go in a pub which is called Lavaris and is very near to our appartments. We wanted to play pool in the pub but we were to late and couldn’t go in, so we had to go to our apparments and wachted „Burn Notice“ and drunk some beer.
Today Eric cooked for us we had some chicken steaks with potatos and a source cream sauce and it tasted really good.
Now we had reached the half time of the work placement and the time run by very fast and I will enjoy the next 4 weeks.

Weekend with Toni

Hello everyone!

This week we have Toni visiting us. I am really happy about it because I really miss the other ones like George and Angelo and now we have Toni here and that is at least something. Together we went with Toni through Belfast and showed him some sights like the Albert Tower or the Victoria City Center. It was really fun the time with him, he told us a lot from his work and he also told us something about his host family in Dublin. Toni promised that he will come here more often because its more intresting here and so we are together.


Hi there!

4 weeks have passed already and only 4 more weeks still to go. Actually I don’t really know about what I should write, because thanks to the weather we didn’t really do something. On Friday evening we celebrate the Father’s Day, because that’s not a holiday here. We wanted to go to a pub, but it was already to late, so we couldn’t get into. Our spanish upper tenants celebrated a bit too frisky, so they triggered the fire alarm of our house, luckily Leo and I could fix it somehow. Yesterday we watched some movies again and played games till 4 am in the moring, or so. So all in all a relaxed weekend.

celebrating birth day with our spanish neighbours

Yesterday one of our spanish neighbours was celebrating is 30th birtday and we all gathered in his apartment to have a nice cup of hot tea combined with tradiontal spanish food which was made really well made and was delicious. After having long lasting discussion about the culuture differences and the ongoing developemnt in our home countries we went to a local pub which also a kind of gambling center. We had an awesome time everyone was really friendly and we definitley made some new friends here. Today I took the cab to the International Airport of Belfast setting up my contract with the car rental which in the end was refused due my lack of a Visa card. Still I wasn’t going to give up and I made a new appointment for tommorow, this time equipped with a Visa card. Our plan is to follow up the coast and see all the nice places we already heared about. Finally we are going to wittness the true nature of the green country.

Lync Server 2013 Setup

Last week I had the task to setup a Lync server on our Hyper-V cluster. Its a bit hard do work on everything without administrator passwords because I need Amit to login everything. But besides this the installation had some problems because some services don`t start and the installer can`t install features itself. I got quite far. But before we can start the installation of the service itself we have to install certificates. Oddly there was a warning if we install one of the certificates that it could create errors on out exchange and sharepoint. So we have to clear that issue with the head system engineer.

Site surveys and In-building wireless

On Thursday a co-worker and I went to Micro Focus to do a site survey to see if its possible to put in our lights without any problems and to see what we have to buy to make it possible.
After that I took a look at our pilot project in the Derry City Council to see if we still have any motion detection at times where no one is in.

On Friday I prepared a bit for the CCNA NetRiders next Wednesday. In the Afternoon I did a bit of research for In-building Wireless for a project that we’re working on.

the week in total

Hello everyone,

now we finished the short week of work because monday was a bank holiday and most of us had free time.
This week was exhausting for me but it still makes fun since the workmates are very nice.
At Wednesday I started to backup a fileserver to for backing up 400 GB. Until now only 180GB are transfered because the data is transfered over a WAN connecting. The system needs to be shut down so the data needs to be backupped.I started to write a short documentation about my project so my colleagues know what data is outsourced.

And like every friday there are a typical breakfast in the cantine which consits of beans soda, bread potato bread and sausages, it tastes really good and it is very cheap.


testing environment

After learning a bit more about Java Script I got in a meeting a so called „knowledge share“ which was really interesting to witness. I got introduced to some new features and side projects which are running in the background and I wasn´t aware of. My task for the week was to write a little script which is going to test some new implementations written by a colleague of mine. This is going to test wheather the text to speech enginge is recognizing our written code including audio feedback which is really usefull to have. I am really looking forward to the weekend as there is an awfull lot happening but more about that soon!