New features on our website

We have updated our website and are happy to announce a couple of new features:

Hall of Fame and Public Profiles

The Hall of Fame now shows links to public profiles of the users. To view the profiles you have to be logged in. The profile shows the institution and website you added  to your profile, as well as the bio statement you provided. Additionally, the public profile shows a person’s achievements supporting Language Science Press as author, proofreader or typesetter. The published monographs a user has worked on are listed here.


Link to public profile in Hall of Fame

To change the information in your user profile, visit or click on the  user name at the top of the page. Here you will find a new link, My website settings, where you can choose which information about you should be publicly displayed and which should be hidden.

Website settings

Website settings

You can hide your profile completely if you do not want it to be available. You can also choose whether the public profile shows your e-mail address or not. And you can choose if you want to be listed in the Hall of Fame.


Both features – Hall of Fame and Public Profiles – are implemented as plugins. The admin of the page can change specific settings, for example which roles are displayed in the Hall of Fame and whether published and unpublished monographs should both be listed. The plugins will be made available to the community and other users of the OMP software.

Social media and privacy

Another new feature is the replacement of the standard social media buttons by a version that complies with data privacy standards. We used an open source version by the German news company heise named shariff. The buttons are added with a plugin as well and a simple version – without a backend, that gets the numbers of likes – can be easily used by others and will be provided soon.

Update (05.06.2015): Shariff for OMP is available at github.


Social media buttons at the Language Science Press page


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