Contemporary hogwash

Oh dear,

why must it be me?  I am very unfond of contemporary art in general and Ai Weiwei in particular. Yet, my mind is set on writing that thesis paper on his tea house (2009). Now I am in the midst of finding out what that transcultural chitchat actually means. I look forward to the day when I can respond in a sonorous voice to people talking in their pig latin about theories they did not grab as a whole, applying this gibberish on very ugly media-performed-cyberesque-intertrans-postgender-postcolonial-postmodern art…

Here I will collect several basic theoretical works on the structure behind contemporary art… (and how to deconstruct all the hot air around it!)

  • Zoya Kocur, Simon Leung (eds.), 2004: Theory in Contemporary Art Since 1985: From 1985 to the Present (neue Ausgabe 2012)


-wu hung ruins, fragmenation and the chinese modern/postmodern google ebook

  • Nicholas Mirzoeff (ed.), 2002 [1999] : The Visual Culture Reader
  • Lieven De Cautier, Ruben De Roo, Karel Vanhaesebrouck (eds.), 2011: Art and Activism in the Age of Globalization (Reflect)
  • Jonathan Harris, 2011: Globalization and Contemporary Art

-david clarke contemporary asian art and the west

-ian robertson the art market in transition, the global economic crisis and the rise of asia

  • Wu Hung, Peggy Wang (eds.), 2010 : Contemporary Chinese Art: Primary Documents (MoMA Primary Documents)
  • Melissa Chiu; Benjamin Genocchio, 2011 :  Contemporary art in Asia : a critical reader
  • Melissa Chiu; Benjamin Genocchio, 2011 :  Asian Art Now
  • Minglu Gao, 2011 : Total Modernity and the Avant-Garde in Twentieth-Century Chinese Art
  • Der Begriff „kulturelle Skripte“ („cultural scripts“) wurde von Schank & Childers (1984) im Rahmen der Erforschung künstlicher Intelligenz entwickelt
  • Wolfgang Welsch 2009: ;
  • Vorarbeiter von Welsch war Clyde Kluckhohn
  • Bernell, Robert. „Interview: Ai Weiwei on CCAA, Identity and His Recent Conceptual Work,““Chinese Type“ Contemporary Art Online Magazine, vol. 1, issue 6 (January 1999).

word stumbler

  • internationalist culture
  • deconstruct<> reconstruct
  • cultural scripts
  • (L)imitation
  • multiculaturalism

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