Fractions of Truth

For AWWs interaction with the government-

by Skypeing over the Internet, talk to foreigners he breaks the commitments he had to make.

In the very worst case, he might get executed as an exempel- I don’t believe they actually set him free without anypunishment if he really did break the law so severely as he wants to make most westeners believe.

What will happen after he got killed?

What is chinese law saying about his failures?

Contemporary hogwash

Oh dear,

why must it be me?  I am very unfond of contemporary art in general and Ai Weiwei in particular. Yet, my mind is set on writing that thesis paper on his tea house (2009). Now I am in the midst of finding out what that transcultural chitchat actually means. I look forward to the day when I can respond in a sonorous voice to people talking in their pig latin about theories they did not grab as a whole, applying this gibberish on very ugly media-performed-cyberesque-intertrans-postgender-postcolonial-postmodern art…

Here I will collect several basic theoretical works on the structure behind contemporary art… (and how to deconstruct all the hot air around it!)

  • Zoya Kocur, Simon Leung (eds.), 2004: Theory in Contemporary Art Since 1985: From 1985 to the Present (neue Ausgabe 2012)


-wu hung ruins, fragmenation and the chinese modern/postmodern google ebook

  • Nicholas Mirzoeff (ed.), 2002 [1999] : The Visual Culture Reader
  • Lieven De Cautier, Ruben De Roo, Karel Vanhaesebrouck (eds.), 2011: Art and Activism in the Age of Globalization (Reflect)
  • Jonathan Harris, 2011: Globalization and Contemporary Art

-david clarke contemporary asian art and the west

-ian robertson the art market in transition, the global economic crisis and the rise of asia

  • Wu Hung, Peggy Wang (eds.), 2010 : Contemporary Chinese Art: Primary Documents (MoMA Primary Documents)
  • Melissa Chiu; Benjamin Genocchio, 2011 :  Contemporary art in Asia : a critical reader
  • Melissa Chiu; Benjamin Genocchio, 2011 :  Asian Art Now
  • Minglu Gao, 2011 : Total Modernity and the Avant-Garde in Twentieth-Century Chinese Art
  • Der Begriff „kulturelle Skripte“ („cultural scripts“) wurde von Schank & Childers (1984) im Rahmen der Erforschung künstlicher Intelligenz entwickelt
  • Wolfgang Welsch 2009: ;
  • Vorarbeiter von Welsch war Clyde Kluckhohn
  • Bernell, Robert. „Interview: Ai Weiwei on CCAA, Identity and His Recent Conceptual Work,““Chinese Type“ Contemporary Art Online Magazine, vol. 1, issue 6 (January 1999).

word stumbler

  • internationalist culture
  • deconstruct<> reconstruct
  • cultural scripts
  • (L)imitation
  • multiculaturalism