no mountain too high…

While being separated from family and friends there is a lot of time to spend during our time off. Luckily Belfast has a lot to offer so you just can go and explore the city.
from da place to da chuurch
You will be rewarded with beautiful views and motifs that simply HAVE TO be photographed. Yepp, it’s time for another photo blog… „no mountain too high…“ weiterlesen

Jonas Ehrhardt – many little tasks

Hi there,

while working in my company I got a few tasks to do. Besides maintaining the website I shall costumise flyers, design a rollup for a new line of products and now create two leaflets – one with a registration form for a competition and one with the competition rules. I shall print about 250 leaflets, but the printer makes problems every time I print more than tenat once. However printing ten every ten minutes is no problem due to it is not too urgent.

That is it for now – I still have a fight with the local printer >:D

Cheers Jonas