Paul Panser – Another Week Ends

What’s up folks?

I was really excited on Thursday, because my company invited me to do some Karting after work. That day we talked a lot at the office with each other. It was quite a nice day.

At 17 o’clock Greg ordered some pizzas and chips to the office. After we ate as much as we could, me and Matt drove to the Karting place. It was inside a big hall, where the main colors on the walls were black, red and gold. That was quite the advantage for me ;). In the waiting area you can play table tennis, pool and some video games on some old, nostalgic gaming automats.

After we put on our race outfits we got an introduction for the race. We decided to plan the driver switches by ourselves. I teamed up with Jim. He was really enthusiastic, because he thought: He is a German, he is like Michael Schuhmacher! Yeah he had high expectations on me and I hope I didn’t dissappointed him, but now to the details of the race.

Every team had one Go-Kart to drive with. The race was going to last one hour, so Jim decided to switch places every 12 minutes. I said that he can drive in the first place, because I didn’t knew the race course. Jim was really good and after 12 minutes I waved him out. Now it was my turn, but my first round was not so good, because I was only getting used to the Go-Kart. After three laps I was used to the kart and to the course and I think I did not too bad :).

When the race was finished our team was only on the fourth place (from seven teams), but it doesn’t matter, because we all had much fun. After we honored the winners…

… and everyone drank one beer to celebrate the nice race. I was getting really tired and my arms and fingers were really stiff, because the course was not that easy. Many tight curves.

Matt drove me home and then I fell asleep in an instant.

On the next day I woke up with a muscleache in my left shoulder and left thigh. I don’t really know why only on my left side, but I guess that the curves to the right where you get pushed to the left were harder then the curves to the left.

Some time after my arrival at the office Matt took me with him to do some support in a hospital in the west of the city. One of the X-Ray Monitors on a kids infirmary doesn’t worked anymore, so we had to find out what peace of hardware was causing the problem. In the end it was a failure of the graphics card.

Friday is cake day in my office, so I helped out my peers a little bit and ate a piece of the cake. When I come back to germany, I will implement that cake-friday in my company, too 🙂

At the evening Sven called me and ordered me to his apartment, because he and some dudes from Dublin wanted to make party. So he convinced me (again) and I came to his place. When I arrived there, David was greeting me… in his boxershorts xD. After he put on some clothes we talked a little bit about the past 5 weeks. Then we met with the other guys at The Globe to talk about where we wanted to go. First we headed to the Scratch, but it looked really empty and we didn’t go in. So, we decided to go to the Thompsons… what a bad mistake. The music was really bad and so were the women. The best thing I can tell you about this club, that the DJ played one good song: Tortured from Paul Kalki.

That’s all for the end of this week,

see ya later!

4 Gedanken zu „Paul Panser – Another Week Ends“

  1. hey großer ,
    wiedereinmal haste ne menge erlebt , ich erriner mich noch das du doch eigentlich ganz gut im go-kart fahren kannst 😉 …naja nu biste etwas größer vieleicht liegt es daran …grinz
    cool das ihr den fehler auf bei der grafikkarte finden konntet und so etwas gutes getan habt …die waren sicher froh im kinderkrankenhaus …
    also ich bin mal gespannt was noch so alles kommt …vor allem freu ich mich ja auf den kuchen-freitag den du da anstrebst hier einzuführen 😉 ….

    liebe grüße dein papa

  2. @paps: Go-kart fahren kann ich gut, bloss machen die das hier sau oft und kannten alle die strecke 😉
    und nen fehler zu finden ist kein problem fuer mich xD dafuer werde ich ausgebildet…
    du musst wissen, dass ich einen undankbaren beruf haben… die sind nie froh ueber unsere arbeit, entweder sagen sie nix, weil alles funktioniert… oder sind angepisst, weil irgentwas nicht klappt 🙁 was anderes gibts nicht
    und den kuchentag fuehr ich bei mir auf arbeit ein, davon hast du ja nix xD

  3. Hallo Paul, du bist schon ein bischen egoistisch, wir hätten gerne alle etwas von deinem Kuchentag. Ich wäre sehr gespannt, ob du so gut backen kannst, wie du deinen Job machst. Gegen Rivalen auf der Hausstrecke anzutreten und dann noch gut aussehen wollen ist eine starke Herausforderung. Insofern war das schon ganz in Ordnung. Nur das mit dem Biertrinken und dem Autofahren, das solltest du dir nicht angewöhnen. Ich habe es mein Leben lang nicht gemacht und lebe noch, andere können das von sich nicht mehr behaupten – wegen einem Bier
    Wir freuen uns sehr, dass du jetzt wieder häufiger schreibst und warten immer schon darauf. Habe ich das Bild mit der geilen Kette übersehen?

    Gruß Omi und MICH

  4. Opi, ich hab NACH dem Rennen ein Bier getrunken, und derjenige, der mich nach hause gefahren hat, hat natuerlich KEIN bier getrunken, keine sorge, sowas mach ich nicht 😉

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