The first days

Hi @ all how is going?

The „new live“ for 2 month in Ireland started with the bus tour to the lad lane apartments.

The first task was to find a shop to buy something to food, to drink and to clean up.

At tuesday I was looking up my bus station. First it was a little bit difficult to understand the timetable but now it is easy.

I work with Oliver Knabe (apprentice from Strato) in the same company.

The topic of the first work day from the company doo-lally was to understand their tasks. The company sell clothing, shoes and accessories.

Today i got my first little project. I got a close look to the website and I geathered some ideas to improve the website. We have to improve our knowledge about seo (search engine optimization) and to work out how the company can improve their ranking at a search engine.

Cya Patty

Paul Panser – First Weekend

Hello folks, Panzaaa I am greeting you =)

The first two days of our journey were very eventful. We waited a long time at the airport and for smokers like Pascal and myself it were very hard to endure. The fact that Alexander doesn’t were allowed to fly with us to Ireland took me really hard, because he was supposed to be my roommate. The fly was good and the bus drive was good too, but most of the time  I was asleep. „Paul Panser – First Weekend“ weiterlesen