Outdoor WLAN

Our IT-Supervisor Damien suggested that we can set up the outdoor WLAN Access Point. So Jannik, Damien and me set up the device, fixed on a mast, for a small approximately 2500 square metre big area in the near of the NIBEC building. At first we tested the strength of the signal with the internal antenna. Which was very sober, because it had a high signal loss after 50 metres. Then we plugged in the antenna from our ZyXEL Repeater and voila the signal was still after 50 metres very good. Even behind a building we have connection to the access point. So we decided to go as far as we have a signal. Result: After 215 metres behind a tree we lost the signal. This suprised not only our IT-Supervisor, Jannik and myself was suprised too how far this small antenna worked.

Maybe this or next week we get the right cable for the outdoor antenna, which is 1,5 metre long. Then we can establish a connection for whole Jordanstown and maybe up to Belfast 😉 Anyhow it’s enough to cover a football pitch. That is the only reason for the huge outdoor antenna.

Also the education coordinator from Germany Mr. Bavar together with Ms. Neumann from the Max Planck Institute for Human Development and Kevin Shine visited me. They want to know what we’re did at work and if we’re pleased with the work and coworker.