
Hello everyone,

now it started, a long weekend because Monday is a bank holiday but not all companyies have closed on that day. Some people of us have to go to work for example Leo.
Marco and I wanted to travel to home by train yesterday but the train doesnt stop on our train station, so we had to go one trainstation from Cultra to Marino and we arrived very late at home.
On Friday I did a big step to finish my project, I  installed a DPM, SQL-Server and Reporting-Server and configured them correctly(I hope) so on Tuesday I´m going to finish the project.
Yesterday Eric and I watched a lot of the serie Burn Notice it´s like McGyver but 20 years later.
Today we want to go to LIDL and I want to buy some german food if they have this.
In a multinational store they had german bread and I´m really happy.

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