The replacement of a motherboard of a SAN Volume Controller and some other things

Hi there!

In fact it was more the supervision of an IBM engineer doing his work. We have a contract with IBM, so they have to replace broken hardware, but because even the controllers contain very sensitive data, we have to monitor every intervention in the system. A BSO technician was also there, to grant us access to the server rooms. At 3 o’clock I and Rick went to the Royal Victoria Hospital again, to change some SAN hard drives. Yesterday we had a little meeting about the abolition of some downtimes of syslog services. The downtimes were implemented several month ago, because the syslogs were alerting regulary at midnight through backup processes. But that is a thing of the past now, so the downtimes are no longer necessary and should be abolished. Next Monday we have a day off, thanks to another bank holiday, so we ease into this weekend.

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