
Hello everyone!

Last Friday Tim and I went together with Max from the FSZ 22 class to the weekend market next to the building we are currently working at. It is a big hall with lots and lots of people selling and buying their stuff there. They have everything. From clothes and plants to food and erverything you can imagine. We went there around for like an hour just looking at all that cool stuff and then we got hungry. We looked around for what food we would like to eat and then we found that little stand that said „Probably the best Burger in Belfast“. So we had no longer to choose. Tim took „The cheesy one“ and Max and I took the „Bacon Burger“. The guy that made the burgers asked me what kind of sauce I would like to have on my burger so I asked him if he could recommend me something and he said „For me blue cheese sauce is always the choice!“ so I said „bring it on man“. I have to say that that burger was really amazing. I dont often eat burger with that quality and that freshness. Also the burger were done directly in front of you so you can suffer until you get your burger because you are so damn hungry. Have a picture!

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