Every cloud has a silver lining

Hey everyone,

yesterday I celebrated my birthday with my host familiy.
The bought a little cake with candles on it.
They are so polite and I was very happy that they noticed that.
The weather here in Dublin alternates between sun and rain so fast. The last days were unfortunately rainy and cloudy.
Only on one day the weather was very warm and sunny
so I decided to visit the botanic garden in the west of Dublin.



Ryan came with me and he showed me also the big graveyard in Glasnevin. It is the biggest graveyard in Ireland and looks so amazing. We seen the grave of Daniel O’Connell. He was an Irish political leader and campaigned for Catholic Emancipation. His grave is beneath a round tower.



After that we went to the city centre and had a lunch there. Ryan was looking for a tattoo parlor. We strolled through the little side streets and Ryan made an appointment in the tattoo parlor.

Afterwards we took the bus, drove home and enjoyed the cloud-free evening.

Yours George

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