Some words about the new Godzilla

Hi there!

Actually I wanted to post some more of my impressions of the new Godzilla  movie and hide them with the spoiler tag, so that anyone who hasn’t seen the movie yet can still enjoy it. But unfortunately JavaScript is blocked and it seems that some WordPress templates are missing, so I can’t even use the more tags.

So, yeah, yesterday we watched the new Godzilla movie, this time in 3D and this time with a group of 8 people, so nearly everyone of us was there. As a Japan fan I really liked the new version of Godzilla, because it’s more like the original one. But what’s really bothered me all the time were the not plausible physics. Sometimes I even had the feeling that nobody of the film crew ever was thinking about that. Let me give you one example. When Godzilla appears he nearly causes a tsunami, but when he plunges into the water again he causes only a smooth wave…

But if we ignore that Godzilla was a really cool movie. 😀

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