A long weekend and a lot of blueprints

As the title already states we had a long(er) weekend. Monday was a bank
holiday here in Belfast, so most of us had off. My workday on Tuesday
started with processing the time sheets for our workers so they can get
their paycheck.
Later on I continued to estimate the cable length and data outlets for the
Ulster University building BC. I finished 4 of 15 floors on Tuesday. I
continued the estimating today and finished three more floors. After that
I talked to Lawrence about the rest of the Week. He is sending me on a
site survey tomorrow about a (maybe) future Intelligent Lighting
installation. Afterwards I’m going to take look (remotely) at the pilot
project in the Derry city council to check if there are any lights that go
on at a time were they shouldn’t e.g. midnight. So we can replace or
re-calibrate them.
I’m looking forward to doing that. With a bit of luck he might take me
with him to Dublin on Friday. But it’s not written in stone so that could

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