
Hello everyone!

Last Friday Tim and I went together with Max from the FSZ 22 class to the weekend market next to the building we are currently working at. It is a big hall with lots and lots of people selling and buying their stuff there. They have everything. From clothes and plants to food and erverything you can imagine. We went there around for like an hour just looking at all that cool stuff and then we got hungry. We looked around for what food we would like to eat and then we found that little stand that said „Probably the best Burger in Belfast“. So we had no longer to choose. Tim took „The cheesy one“ and Max and I took the „Bacon Burger“. The guy that made the burgers asked me what kind of sauce I would like to have on my burger so I asked him if he could recommend me something and he said „For me blue cheese sauce is always the choice!“ so I said „bring it on man“. I have to say that that burger was really amazing. I dont often eat burger with that quality and that freshness. Also the burger were done directly in front of you so you can suffer until you get your burger because you are so damn hungry. Have a picture!

My trip to another part of the city

Yesterday I went to the Bloomfield Commercial Centre for shopping purposes, it is something like a big complex of firms which are offering all kinds of products. But the way to there was some kind of an odyssey. In my opinion the bus system in Belfast is really confusing. Usually there are (at least on the more frequented stops) two or more stops in the same row which are about 10 – 30m away from each other and where different busses are departing. And in addition to that (if you have managed to take the correct bus) there are no announces at which stop you currently arrive so without local knowledge and a mobile battery which is dying out you are pretty much lost. After exiting at the wrong stop and a few talks with locals who have pointed me in the right direction I’ve managed to arrive in the center. The terrain is really big and at all I think it’s bigger then everything related I’ve seen in Germany yet. I went to the Tesco, Maplin, a pretty big one-pound Store and a few shops in the main centre it self. After spending a few hours and a lot more money I started my way back home with a full bagpack and few shopping bags. All in all it’s pretty interesting to see how big Belfast really is. There is a lot of suburban area and outskirts around the main city itself, some nicer ones and some not so nice but there is definitly a lot to see.


In the last week Eric, Max and me finally we’re able to get introduced into the IT-Support of Concentrix. Because they have so many contractors which are located in the Branch sites the people we are working with are spreaded over a few buildings, and between the other employees. Our first tasks where like adding users into groups in the A.D. and cutting off PCs from retired (or fired) workers. Next week we will be introduced further.


Hello everyone,

today Tim, Nick and I visited the hardware store Maplin, we only want to see what they are selling and how much it is.
We took a cab because it is a a very long way and it costs a lot of time if we would have walked to Maplin.
They had not really interesting things and everything they had was very expensive, so all of this was not very interessting for us.
Yesterday Tim cooked for all of us maybe cooking is the wrong verb he made burgers and those tasted very good. Thanks for this Tim.
I forgot to make a picture from the burgers but they looked really nice.
Yesterday I went by bike to Tesco Metro but it was terrible to ride by bike because the walker doesn`t make you any place so that I couldn’t drive there and everybody looked at me if I were an alien.

New Jobs

Hello everyone!

Tim and I got the information that they will change our tasks at work. No longer moving tables around and no longer des holders. Those times are over now and we will move into the sweet glory of the first level support. I am really looking forward to that because thats a work I am more handy with, but that also means that we are no longer working with Peter anymore which is quite sad because Peter is a funny nice guy and I enjoined working with him. We will also change our building where are we working at, so now our way is a bit shorter. Lets we how everything will turn out next week.

Nothing new in the far north

Hi there!

Today is the day after yesterday, and nothing new happened so far. Thanks to the weather all of us were not very adventuresome and so we spent the day watching movies or in my case playing Anno 1404. We stayed up until 4 or 5 am, or at least Eric, Martin and me. 😀 We slept till noon, had breakfast and then took a taxi to Maplin. Maplin is an electronics shop, like an irish version of Conrad. Even the corporate colour is light blue. Actually we wanted to get a new laptop fan there, Tim even called the shop whether or not they have the fan, but in the end we were unsuccessful. I guess my nexy article will be about the new Godzilla movie, because we want to use the next cinema day to go to the cinema again.

Induction in product architecture

On Friday I was introduced to the real coding work that is going to be a big part of my work at Speechstorm. It took some while to understand the concept behind it as it is a massive project and is a huge amount of documentation behind it.

One of our product architects was so kind to give ma deep look inside the coding work and also gave me a better understanding overall. Its incredible how much work and details there are but I am really getting into it now which also makes my work more focused and I can read about nearly everything in our document repository. Next week there will be some more informations about our next big customer which will also benefit to my working progress there a lot.

Clontarf and Fairview

The weather was really nice today so i decided to walk to the city centre. On my way i got to the Clontarf Road, a long road that goes among Clontarf.2014-05-25 12.38.182014-05-25 12.39.05

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Really nice to walk there and a beautiful view. Later on my walk I came across Fairview, its the district under Clontarf. There is the Fairview park thats probably the biggest part of Fairview.


A caring weekend

Hey everyone,

yesterday we had a few problems with the network in our company. Jonas and I tried to fixed it, but after some troubleshooting we expected that the issue is out of the „Computer Factory“. In the evening Jonas, Toni and I walked to „The Stages Head“ pub and enjoyed the Irish live music. The atmosphere was awesome because after a few hours the pub was full of people and everyone talked to each other, sung and laughed. We stayed there until the pub closed and took a taxi to get home dry. Today Paul and I bought some beans, eggs, bacon, bread and sausages for a typical Irish breakfast. It tasted awesome. Paul invited four of his friends for the breakfast and after that we had a nice and funny conversation. I relaxed the rest of the day and spent some time on the Internet to talk with my family and friends.

Yours George

The replacement of a motherboard of a SAN Volume Controller and some other things

Hi there!

In fact it was more the supervision of an IBM engineer doing his work. We have a contract with IBM, so they have to replace broken hardware, but because even the controllers contain very sensitive data, we have to monitor every intervention in the system. A BSO technician was also there, to grant us access to the server rooms. At 3 o’clock I and Rick went to the Royal Victoria Hospital again, to change some SAN hard drives. Yesterday we had a little meeting about the abolition of some downtimes of syslog services. The downtimes were implemented several month ago, because the syslogs were alerting regulary at midnight through backup processes. But that is a thing of the past now, so the downtimes are no longer necessary and should be abolished. Next Monday we have a day off, thanks to another bank holiday, so we ease into this weekend.