Working with Peter

Hello everybody!

I know I talk al lot about this guy  named Peter but I have to say he is one of the nicest people I have ever met. I remeber that one time where this guy Toni was mad at us because we messed something up we didn’t know about and Peter tried everything to make him sure that we work correctly and do our tasks as it is told us. At one point I thought he is going to yell at him but right before that happened Toni gave in and apologised to us. I really love working with Peter because he tells us that we are good workers and have to start making things slower because we are to fast.

We all three hope that we can work all the time with Peter and they don’t send us to another building, also if that one guy Collins is also very nice but when we are with him he is doing all the work and we just staying right next to him and watching him do the work.

Just wait and hope for the best!

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