The Belfast Comic Con

Hi there!

This weekend a Comic Con took place here in Belfast. And of course, we were there to check out this event and to make pictures of some hand made cosplay costumes. Actually it was a quite small hall, but we still had to wait over an hour in the line to get into. After we finally made it into we walked around a bit to see everything. I was looking for some mangas the whole time, but unfortunately I couldn’t find even one booth which sells some. But I guess at least it was a success for Eric, because he found a lot of Bronie stuff and met some supporters of the Bronie cult. After that we took a taxi to the city center, where we visited the Forbidden Planet another comic and merchandise store, where I got a fabric banner of Shizuo, a character of the anime Durarara!!, which will get a second season soon. Back at home we made burgers for dinner again and let the evening fade away in a relaxing atmosphere with watching some movies and stuff.

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