The cinema again

Hi there!

4 movies in 4 weeks. Yep, even I am surprised about that. I guess I’ve been more often in cinemas here in Belfast than the last two years back at home in Germany. I think this is because I don’t have a car here or a PC that is capable to run good games and it’s still to cold to go to a lake. But now back to my work project. ASP.NET is actually a pretty interesing framework because of the MVC (model, view and controller) design. The programming language that is used is C#, which is quite similar to Java, at least in terms of the logic. The benefiting difference is that you can use some SQL commands in the C# environment. I have the feeling that I make good progress in understanding the framework, even if I have some problems sometimes, because I can’t use the normal HTML attributes everywhere so easily.

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