Some layout and usability changes

Hi there!

After I have familiarized myself with the ASP.NET framework I began to make some changes to the pages. First of all I’ve customized the names shown in the tabs of the browser matching the actual page content, because they were still the default names, which were set by the framework itself. After that I tried to implement an idea of mine, which came into my head when I tested the website before. The details of the sponsored childs are displayed in text fields and if you want to copy them you have to click 3 times in the field to select them. But since text fields are used instead of labels I thought the most likely reason for this is, that the users have to copy these details very often, so it would be more user-friendly if they only have to click once in the text fields. That’s why I wanted to use the onclick attribute, since the element which is generated at the end is an input type field, where I can use an onclick attribute. But I can’t use additional HTML attributes on a DisplayFor funcion, that’s why we had to create an extra Display Template for that task.

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