The exploration of Ireland

We started our trip by driving along the coast and enjoying the beauty of the north coast and after seeing the tip of Scotland we headed south always trying to stay as close to the coast as possible.Foto We passed London Derry but did change our road after hearing about Ballycroy National Park which only added around 100 miles more and was really worth it. When we reached Galway we booked a hotel for the night and called it a day as our next day was going to be even more exhausting. We payed little more than 30 Euros for a decent room which was close to the coast and granted us a incredible view the next morning. Dublin was obviously a big headliner on our road but still we spent most of our time seeing incredible places and landscapes. Compared to our last road trip including a friend of mine of Berlin and Tim I can tell you that driving around in peace without the „boys stuff“ is incredibly relaxing and I was reborn when we arrived at Dublin sitting down in a nice pub having just one beer for the sake of driving. I didn’t see that much of Dublin itself when we arrived at the Airport more than one month ago but after driving around in it and doing some sightseeing I kind of got the feeling that I wasn’t unlucky spending my time in Belfast – still Dublin is beautiful doe! As my girlfriend didn’t feel like driving in Ireland I just needed a coffee when arriving in Belfast to get my energy back including a dinner at TGI Fridays to get ready for the „gipsy lounge“. The club itself was ridiculous in comparison to german standards but we still had a great time as we also met our spanish friends from upstairs.

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