Damn cupboards

Hello everyone!

You know those days where you have some tasks to do which you really don’t want to do? Yeah I had one of those days. Tim, Max and I had to move some cupboards from the Lanyon building to the Lesley Exchange building and it was just a terrible pain in the arse. because the where so many problems. It sounded easy at first but some kind of god was mad at us and throw us some major horses in our way to hen block our path. Because of safety issues we first had to empty the cupboards and their were all full and there were like 4 of them, but before that the keys were missing to open them. Then the transport which was hard to navigate and there were always that one woman constantly asking if we are already done with our task. It took us two days to move them and at the second day we had to wait like two hours for the van before we could get even started.

Stupid cupboards!

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