spontaneous data center visit

Last week Amit and I had to spontaneously visit the data center because one of our racks wasn’t accessible anymore and some services went down. We feared that the switch we completely filled with LAN connections last week went down due to overload. But as we went there we saw that the switch was ok and fully functional. We searched in the switch log for the problem and found out that the uplink port disconnects sometimes. The problem is we don’t know where the uplink is actually going. Then we got help from a employee of the data center and found out that the uplink goes in the switch from our other rack and after making a new cable connection to the other rack everything worked fine. The employee renewed the plugs because the cable goes 10 meters over many racks so we can’t just get a new one and we went back. But we still don’t trust the cable with malfunctions and we let it unused from now.

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