
On Saturday I went to the Ulster museum for a lecture I’ve had registered for. It was about cartography in the past times, and was held by a doctor who presented his own scientific work. He and one of his students created a map where Ireland was displayed with a grid overlay on it and other different informations in unique representations. The overlay was an abstract way to show the deviation between todays exact data and the old map they took as base. He explained different philisophical meanings of maps and talked about how (with trigonometry and walking down the landscape) they were created. The earliest dated maps displayed Ireland in the 17th century and before that it is even today totally unknown how the people created them (but still they existed). In the last part of the lecture he explained how the old maps are being digitalized and reviewed. All in all it was very interesting and I would like to hear more about the topic. After that I took a quick stroll through the museum, but since it’s very big and I wanted to go to city center to exchange some euros to pounds I only was able to visit 2 sections of it. I planned a more extensive visit for next weekend and I will keep you updated. After leaving the musuem I walked down to the city center and found a possbility to exchange money in the tourist information. On my way back home I went to a bookshop in the Botanic Avenue and spend a few bucks in it. It was specialized in crime novels and is called NO Alibis. It’s just a small shop but it was well frequented and the other costumers had a talk with the salespersons there. When I left it they offered me a few postcards for free and I took them. It was a nice Saturday not at last because of the nice weather and I hope the last weekend will be that nice too.

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