Redwood API and a night out on Thursday

This week I continued the task Lawrence gave me on Friday afternoon. He wanted me to see if its possible to trigger an unscheduled event from and external source. So I started to do my research and quickly discovered that indeed is a way to do that. So I started to write a little Perl script that does exactly that after a few minutes of research how to write a HTTP SET request in Perl I finished my little perl. But there was a little problem the answer from the Redwood Director was always accessFailure which mean I try to do a Set request on a portion of the Data Model that does not allow set requests which was strange since that part should allow Set Requests after a few minutes of looking through my code I realised what I did wrong I simply put in a wrong name that I tried to access. After getting rid of that I finished my script and tested it a few times and it works perfectly fine. I’ll show it to Lawrence on Friday since he is not in the Office tomorrow. We’re also doing a „night out“ tomorrow we’re going bowling and grab some food afterwards. Its basically to say goodbye in some way I know it’s still a week left but a few of my coworker aren’t there next week so we do it a bit earlier.

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