
On Friday there was again not much to do in Concentrix. Eric, Max and me had to do several little tasks and after they were done and the time has come Peter allowed us to go home. Yesterday we went to a Pub near the Queens University. There were many people on the streets, probably the Q-Con where Eric went to was also a factor – but when we got back home the density wasn’t that high anymore. In the pub (that claimed itself to be a World Cup bar – with big posters on the outer walls) were many local Irish people that are celebrating every goal, for Ghana and Germany. I think they weren’t really biased towards the game and they just were happy that the game was exciting at all. The atmosphere was relaxed. They had a big choice of beer, wine and softdrink brands and when the game was finished and after we had a few drinks we went back home again. I’ve liked the pub, except a few people which weren’t really interested in watching the game and disturbed the people who wanted to.

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