Last week

Just in the mid of the last week we had to accomplish another big task Tony gave us. Today we had to go through all buildings on all floors and write down the telephone extension numbers of every single phone. All in all I guess it were over 1000 phones and it took a lot of time. After that we had to move some PCs to other desks because a big contractor needed more space for it’s employees. But like the german saying „Too many cooks spoil the broth“, it was a big mess in the end and we had to exchange a lot more equipment then we were told.

In the afternoon me and my flat-mates started to sort out all our stuff we’ve got in the apartment. The time here in Belfast comes to an end and I think it’s worth to spend the time now instead of having a stressful Friday where every one is rushing around. I hope that the luggage that I carry with me hasn’t got too much overweight since I’ve bought new stuff and it feels a bit heavier then just 2 kilos.

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