A short summary

To all of you reading this in preparation for their trip here to Belfast: You are going to have a great time here if you prepare yourself with some money in the pocket, a good book to read when the rain is forcing you to stay home and are open to meet new people and willing to chat to strangers you never met before. Most of the time people here are incredibly nice and you will have a lot of fun if you accept their way of living here and dont start questioning everything they do as they are part of one unique country which is certainly very different to other countries in Europe.

Of course the first time settling down will be a little weird but after a couple of days you will start to realize how to handle strangers on the street who often start randomly talking to you. Thats because they somehow see that you are not from Belfast and are interested in how and why you came here. A suggestion: do start telling your story and you will always either get an interesting story of their life back or even make a new friend which will make your time here in Belfast even better.

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