As I said in my last post the 8 weeks are over and we’re back in Germany.
After we finished work on Friday Nick and I packed our stuff and fitting everything back into the suitcase was not that easy but in the end we did it!
Afterwards Nick and I started to clean our apartment, he did the dishes I cleaned the oven Martin task was to mop the floor but he wasn’t there yet.
I decided to book a cab for the next morning so we don’t have to walk to the bus that takes us to the Dublin airport.
Our bus left at around 2:30 am on Saturday we arrived at around 5am at the airport. We checked in and ate breakfast and headed to our gate.
We left Dublin with a little delay but arrived on time in Berlin.
After I arrived at home I decided to take a nap and spend the rest of the weekend doing nothing but relaxing.
All I can say now is that this was a great experience and that I can recommend it to everyone.
Autor: René Kopper
Last day at work
Today was my last day at work. It was a rather relaxed day since I already finished my work the only thing I did was giving Johnny a brief overview on how he can run my Perl scripts.
We also talked a bit about how we would actually get it to work with an BMS only to realise that this could be a lot of work but it should be possible to do.
I also gave Lawrence my details in case they need help with my perl scripts. Around lunch Rosie brought in some sweets as a last gift to say goodbye and they even gave me a little card.
They even used german it might not be proper german but hey that’s what makes it even more special
finishing my project
Well as nearly everyone told you already this is our last week here in Belfast.
So I spent most of the week with working on my perl script.
I finished it Yesterday afternoon. I spent this morning with finishing my Europass and checking if all of the paperwork is done. In the Afternoon I gave Johnny a brief overview how my Script works and what he has to adjust for each Network.
I also gave them my contact details in case they need help with my script.
A tour to the bushmills distillery
Today Martin, Tim and I headed to the bushmill distillery. Our tour started at 9am we headed to the botanic train station and hopped on the train it took us 1hr 20min to reach colerine train station after waiting for around 30 minutes we took a bus that drove us directly to the bushmills distillery. We arrived a few minutes before the distillery openes we decided to not take the first tour since it was pretty crowded instead we went to the gift shop to see what they offer and to eat some lunch in the cafetaria. We took the tour at 1pm the tour is roughly 40 minutes long. It was definitely worth it to learn how whiskey is made. After the tour ends everyone was allowed to test one kind of the different whiskeys.
Sadly we weren’t allowed to take pictures during the tour.
Paperwork and bowling
I spended most of the Thursday to finish the last Papers that needed to be filled out for the Europass.
Samantha my Contactperson here at KNI helped me to fill it out as well as doing a „trainee skills assessment“ for Intern Europe. Later that day me and most of my co-worker met at the Odyssey to go bowling. After we finished bowling we went to the Northern Whig to eat and of course watch the football match Uruguay against England.
Redwood API and a night out on Thursday
This week I continued the task Lawrence gave me on Friday afternoon. He wanted me to see if its possible to trigger an unscheduled event from and external source. So I started to do my research and quickly discovered that indeed is a way to do that. So I started to write a little Perl script that does exactly that after a few minutes of research how to write a HTTP SET request in Perl I finished my little perl. But there was a little problem the answer from the Redwood Director was always accessFailure which mean I try to do a Set request on a portion of the Data Model that does not allow set requests which was strange since that part should allow Set Requests after a few minutes of looking through my code I realised what I did wrong I simply put in a wrong name that I tried to access. After getting rid of that I finished my script and tested it a few times and it works perfectly fine. I’ll show it to Lawrence on Friday since he is not in the Office tomorrow. We’re also doing a „night out“ tomorrow we’re going bowling and grab some food afterwards. Its basically to say goodbye in some way I know it’s still a week left but a few of my coworker aren’t there next week so we do it a bit earlier.
Titanic dry dock
Yesterday Nick, Martin and I went to the Titanic Quarter to take a look at the pump house and the titanic dry dock where the titanic was build.
We wanted to take a guided tour at 2 PM but we were a bit lost and late so we wandered around on our own.
We started our tour at the pump house, which was responsible to open the gate to the dock as well as pumping the water out of the dock itself. We moved on around the top of the dock where they put up signs with a lot of interesting facts
e.g. you can fit 26 London busses into the dock.
Afterwards Nick wanted to go to the Titanic Museum but Martin and I didn’t want to so we went back to our apartment.
Finishing the API Task
On Thursday I continued my work on my task to access the Redwood API and pull out certain data.
It took me a while to get used to Perl and the Syntax but with a little bit of help from Tim. I managed to make a big progress. I was able to pull out all the Data I needed and finished my Perl Script on Friday afternoon.
But only so far to reach the point where we would contact the BMS but I don’t have any documentation about a BMS so I can’t program that part.
My new Task is to see if its possible to trigger an event from an external source for example an BMS.
from VBA to API
On Monday I finished my VBA Macros for excel to automatically create graphs from a .csv file.
I showed my solution to Lawrence and Steven they both liked it. I gave Steven a brief overview of what I did and what the code does he is the one that keeps my code maintained after I leave in a bit over two weeks.
Afterwards Lawrence gave me a new task as the title already states its about API Our Redwood engine got a API to pull out certain data (movement, temperature and a few more) my task is it to find a way to pull out the data when the last movement was registred from one of the sensors and if it was more than X minutes ago it should send a signal to a BMS (Building Managment System) to shut down the heating in that room/area. And of course to turn it back on if someones enters a room. The documentation was about 30 pages long and it took me a while do fully understand it. Today I finished my first perl programm that is able to send a HTTPS PUSH request to pull out certain data. The next Step is to scan the String for the data that I need. The last and I guess hardest part is to get it work with a BMS since our Building doesnt have one so hopefully I find a way to test it somewhere/somehow.
five weeks over, three to go
On Friday evening we went to Tesco and Iceland to buy some groceries for the next week.
Afterwards we made again some nice burgers for our dinner.
While having dinner Nick and I enjoyed the movie Pain & Gain even though I have already seen it but its still a nice movie.
On Saturday Nick, Martin, Eric, Joel and Tim went to the local Comic Con but I decided to stay at home since I’m not really into Anime and Manga.
Other than that the Weekend was rather uneventful. We stayed up long on Saturday so we decided to do a lazy Sunday.