from VBA to API

On Monday I finished my VBA Macros for excel to automatically create graphs from a .csv file.
I showed my solution to Lawrence and Steven they both liked it. I gave Steven a brief overview of what I did and what the code does he is the one that keeps my code maintained after I leave in a bit over two weeks.
Afterwards Lawrence gave me a new task as the title already states its about API Our Redwood engine got a API to pull out certain data (movement, temperature and a few more) my task is it to find a way to pull out the data when the last movement was registred from one of the sensors and if it was more than X minutes ago it should send a signal to a BMS (Building Managment System) to shut down the heating in that room/area. And of course to turn it back on if someones enters a room. The documentation was about 30 pages long and it took me a while do fully understand it. Today I finished my first perl programm that is able to send a HTTPS PUSH request to pull out certain data. The next Step is to scan the String for the data that I need. The last and I guess hardest part is to get it work with a BMS since our Building doesnt have one so hopefully I find a way to test it somewhere/somehow.

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