
On Saturday I went to the Ulster museum for a lecture I’ve had registered for. It was about cartography in the past times, and was held by a doctor who presented his own scientific work. He and one of his students created a map where Ireland was displayed with a grid overlay on it and other different informations in unique representations. The overlay was an abstract way to show the deviation between todays exact data and the old map they took as base. He explained different philisophical meanings of maps and talked about how (with trigonometry and walking down the landscape) they were created. The earliest dated maps displayed Ireland in the 17th century and before that it is even today totally unknown how the people created them (but still they existed). In the last part of the lecture he explained how the old maps are being digitalized and reviewed. All in all it was very interesting and I would like to hear more about the topic. After that I took a quick stroll through the museum, but since it’s very big and I wanted to go to city center to exchange some euros to pounds I only was able to visit 2 sections of it. I planned a more extensive visit for next weekend and I will keep you updated. After leaving the musuem I walked down to the city center and found a possbility to exchange money in the tourist information. On my way back home I went to a bookshop in the Botanic Avenue and spend a few bucks in it. It was specialized in crime novels and is called NO Alibis. It’s just a small shop but it was well frequented and the other costumers had a talk with the salespersons there. When I left it they offered me a few postcards for free and I took them. It was a nice Saturday not at last because of the nice weather and I hope the last weekend will be that nice too.

Soccer Soccer and more Soccer

Hey everyone,

today was a beautiful day. After my worktime I bought a few things for dinner, because I promised Paul that me and Jonas will do the dinner for today…german dinner of course.For the dinner I bought spareribs, potatos and onions. After that we went home to watch the Wolrd Cup game Germany versus Portugal. What a nice game i thought..4:0 for Germany. A very good start.

After the game was finished Jonas and me prepared the dinner. Dillons friend was visited us so we were six people. Afterwards the guys and I played soccer in the garden. Unfortunately the ball flew two times over the wall in the neighbours garden, but that has not stopped us..replacement ball 😉

Tomorrow we will go to a restaurant and eat Dublins famous chickenwings and watch other World Cup games. I am looking forward to it.

Yours George

Treasure Hunt and BBQ

Friday was System Dynamic’s treasure hunt and BBQ. The BBQ was actually not on board of the Jeanie Johnston as I had wrongly assumed but on the Cill Airne. That is also where our hunt for boo… bounty ended. We were very fast and had no real problems with solving all the riddles but unfortunately, some idiot ran his car into the entrance of Trinity College recently and so we had to split up because the clue we needed for the final puzzle was on one and the clue for the next stage on the other side of it.

That was where we lost a lot of time because the other part of my group decided that it would be best to just go further around Trinity College while Eamonn and I waited at the entrance we all came in from. After waiting for a minute, we decided to go around the corner where the others should have gotten the next clue already. It wasn’t even that far but our team mates were just nowhere to be found. We collected the clue and went to the next stage as fast as we could when one of the others called Eamonn to ask where they had to go. We told them to meet us at the next stage and also where that was. When we got there, we collected the next clues and soon after, the others arrived.

It was very humid that day and I was drenched and so was everyone else. All that was left to do was to take a grelfie (group-selfie) with the Oscar Wilde Statue in the background and then head back to the boat. We arrived about 2 Minutes after the leading team and solved the riddle but unfortunately for us, it’s not enough when a member of your team just yells it out to the committee, it had to be reenacted. How do you reenact a scene from Titanic when your clue reads “I’m the king of the world”? Exactly, you go to the front of the freaking boat and take a picture of the whole thing. We were farthest from the door at that point and after the answer was out, the other team stormed of. The game had been lost and we felt cheated because it actually didn’t say anywhere that we had to take a photo. We consider the game won even though we weren’t awarded anything.

We were all given a captain’s hat, a black paper wristband and 3 golden doubloons. The hat was for fun, the wristband gave us access to the barbecue and the doubloons were to buy any kind of drink at the bar. I used my first doubloon to buy a pint of Heineken and stayed with that until I got more doubloons later that evening. It was but then that I saw the bottle of Captain Morgan behind the barkeep and ordered a Capt’n Coke right away. I had two of those before Eamonn and I made our way to Connolly Station to get the bus.

At the end of the night I had over 30k steps on my pedometer and didn’t think that I would be able to do anything on the Saturday. Stay tuned to learn what I did on said Saturday despite the growing pain in my legs.


drydock of the titanic

Hello everyone,

if you had read it in one of my last articles you had read that I will visit the dry dock from the titanic. So now i want to write about it.
It was the biggest and most modern dock at this time and it was very exciting to see and stand in it.
When I was inside it they played the sound from the people which worked there. You can see that a lot of time went by, more and more water intrudes the dock. It’s still okay but it will be interesting to see what it will be like in 50 years.
I recommend it for other people and it is not that expensive.


The Titanic Quarter

Hi there!

Yesterday we visited the harbour of Belfast, where we actually wanted to take a guided tour through the Titanic dry dock and the Pump-House at 2 o’clock, but we were a little bit too late and didn’t really know where the tour starts, so we walked around on our own. The Pump-House and the dry dock were very impressive ─ it must have been a very back-breaking job for the dock workers, back then. After the docks I wanted to visit the Titanic Belfast, but Martin and René didn’t want to, so I went in on my own and took my time without any feeling of urgency, since I am a fan of the seafaring and especially of the Titanic’s story. The first part of the exhibition was a general view of the maritime history of Belfast and the construction of the Thompson Graving Dock, which was the largest dry dock in 1911. The next floor refered to the launch of the Titanic. There was a very impressive illustration, where you had an overview over Titanic’s and Olympic’s slipway through a window, with the tracing of the the enormous bow of the Titanic. The next part was about the 3 different passenger classes onboard the Titanic and their interior in the cabins. The last parts were related to the disaster itself, the aftermath and the exploration of Titanic’s wreck, where you could see exclusive footage of the wreck. After that I visited the Lego Brick City exhibition, which is a temporary exhibition in the top floor of the Titanic Belfast museum.

An jQuery popup in ASP.NET

Hi there!

My next idea was to display a popup with some chosen data instead of the whole data set on a new page, when you click on the delete button. Actually I wanted to display the data in the same way as before in the popup, but because the data base access is made by using the child ID, which is part of the page link, that was not possible, since the link itself doesn’t change if you display a popup. So in broad terms we had to refer to the table row in which the delete button was clicked and read out the child ID this way using JavaScript. The next problem was my jQuery script, because it had to be integrated in a script bundle first, to load it properly. My next task will be the Gray Out effect of some delete buttons, because you are only allowed to delete a childs data, if it doesn’t is part of a sponsorship anyway.

Some layout and usability changes

Hi there!

After I have familiarized myself with the ASP.NET framework I began to make some changes to the pages. First of all I’ve customized the names shown in the tabs of the browser matching the actual page content, because they were still the default names, which were set by the framework itself. After that I tried to implement an idea of mine, which came into my head when I tested the website before. The details of the sponsored childs are displayed in text fields and if you want to copy them you have to click 3 times in the field to select them. But since text fields are used instead of labels I thought the most likely reason for this is, that the users have to copy these details very often, so it would be more user-friendly if they only have to click once in the text fields. That’s why I wanted to use the onclick attribute, since the element which is generated at the end is an input type field, where I can use an onclick attribute. But I can’t use additional HTML attributes on a DisplayFor funcion, that’s why we had to create an extra Display Template for that task.

WM started

Hello everyone,

yesterday started the World Championchip of Soccer and we looked the first game Brasilien against croatia together with Eric and that one guy from the FZS22 class. I think that it was clear that Brasilien wins against croatia but the croation guys played really good and amazed me. In detail brasil won 3:1. and I will have a look to the other games which will follow the example spain against netherlands and columbia against greece.
On monday intern europe invited us to see the soccer game on there flatscreen with some food and in HD so Marco and me want to go there.

the week in total

Hello everyone,

on Thuersday Eric, Nick,Rene and I went to the Cinema and watched 1 Million Ways to Die in the West because Thuersdays are the prices very low, we olny pay 3£ to enter the movie.
The film was very funny and it was easy to understand for me.
After the film Eric and I went to a restaurant near the cinema(i forgot the name of the restaurant) we wanted to eat something and drunk a beer. We ordered potato edges but what we get was a little joke for 5£ we got nothing


At the weekend we will go to the place where the titanic was build because this dock had a lot of records in this time strongest rope, best pumps and things like this.

Step Up!

4th place so far…

643k steps and that only got us 4th place. The leading team, the Holy Walkamolies, has 161696 steps on us and all that after I walked my feet raw last week. I am determined to lead my team to victory, though. So up until now, I already walked 60000 steps and after work today I will go to the pharmacy to get cushions for my toes because I have blisters in the most annoying places of all. Once my toes stop bothering me, I will keep going and going and going like one of those freaking bunnies out of the Duracell commercials.

I want to go (as in walk) to the Dublin Zoo on Saturday and walk back home, as well. I’m hoping to score another 60k at least on the weekend if I go to Greystones on Sunday, maybe. Even with some of my team members hanging behind – and I still think they’re doing a good job – I believe we can gain on the Walkamolies and even let the other two teams eat dust because we’re not too far away from them with 674k and 690k respectively. I’ll keep you updated on how it goes.

On Tuesday I sat in on a meeting with a guy from BT together with Eamonn and Emmet. System Dynamics wants to move their servers into a cloud environment. Well, sort of. The plan is actually to move the virtual machines onto new servers, connected with new switches, stored on new disks and stored in BT’s datacenter. I created a little draft with Visio to show what System Dynamics thinks how the setup will have to be and brought it to the meeting. My colleagues liked the way I did it and I listened in on them discussing different possibilities to set this thing up. Nothing is decided, yet and I believe I won’t be here by the time something “interesting” happens in that department but we’ll see how far this thing goes before I’m gone.

On the topic of being gone: It’s just over 2 weeks now until I have to go home. I’m happy I’ve seen as much as I have but there is still a lot left that I haven’t seen so there will be a vacation that has to be spent here within the next years. Something I’m already looking forward to.
The Problem with the flight home is the time it was booked for. It leaves at 7.10 in the morning and that is a terrible time to get to the airport in any convenient way, at least in Dublin and I don’t want to take a taxi, let alone have to get up at freaking 3 in the morning. So I’m actually planning on spending my night at the airport with the guys and a couple of beers. Probably not Guinness, though because it’s just too heavy and also not quite convenient to drink from the can It’s much more likely to be Budweiser or Heineken. Hell, if I get a good offer on Carlsberg, it’s going be that for sure. I’m not sure what we’ll do for dinner but there is supposed to be a McDonald’s that’s open 24/7 at the airport. I’m pretty sure that’ll do.

Tomorrow is the SD BBQ and the infamous Treasure Hunt. All I care about is steps, food and drinks and interesting conversations. Which is pretty much what it is. 😀
