Moving monday

Hello everybody!

Today Max, Tim and I had to swap the PCs from one trainings room in our main building with the PCs from a trainings room from another building at the opposite site of Belfast. We also had to swap the monitors, keyboards and mices which was completly senseless because the monitors where exactly the same and you could use the mices and keyboards everywhere. One thing that was kind of annoying was that we had to walk everytime but not with all the stuff because Peter drove it with his van but there wasn’t any place for 3 more people thats why we had to walk. Tomorrow we will have to set up those room because there was no time to do that today.

Half Time over? … Half Life 3 confirmed!!!

Hello everybody!

Sorry for that terrible „pun“ in the title but I saw it and then I had to make this „Half Life 3“ reference. There are two thing I really miss here in Belfast. The first thing is my PC. I just need to play a triple A title right now but it is impossible to do so with those laptops but so atleast I can get up on all those indie titles I have on my steam account.

The second thing I really miss is my e.V. and all the people with it. When I am back I have to go to one of our regular fiday meetups again and hug all the people I haven’t seen for two months. Just sitting down with some guys and girls you know and talk about technicolor ponies.

I have no picture that would really fit but I have a picture of an irish pony.

Working with Peter

Hello everybody!

I know I talk al lot about this guy  named Peter but I have to say he is one of the nicest people I have ever met. I remeber that one time where this guy Toni was mad at us because we messed something up we didn’t know about and Peter tried everything to make him sure that we work correctly and do our tasks as it is told us. At one point I thought he is going to yell at him but right before that happened Toni gave in and apologised to us. I really love working with Peter because he tells us that we are good workers and have to start making things slower because we are to fast.

We all three hope that we can work all the time with Peter and they don’t send us to another building, also if that one guy Collins is also very nice but when we are with him he is doing all the work and we just staying right next to him and watching him do the work.

Just wait and hope for the best!

Weekend in Belfast

This weekend i went to Belfast. I went there on friday after work and got the bus at 18 o`clock. When I arrived we celebrated the birthday of one of the spanish people from the upper apartments and the german „herrentag“. On saturday we went out to see the city. Sunday was rather quite and we watched movies and tv series. I take the bus tomorrow to get back, because monday is a bank holiday in northern Ireland

exploring Northern Ireland

Whoever told us that it is not possible to rent a car under the age of 25 was mistaken and wasn’t well informed. You just have to ask for an „under age insurance“ and you are good to go. With just 60 Pounds we took the car for a day and had an amazing trip along the coast filled with great impression and an incredible landscape. I will try to capture as many details as possible in further posts but I am kind of devastated and sleepy after driving around 250 miles on the wrong side of the road! Ill end with one of my favourite pictures of todays trip:giants causeway

Halfway trough

Four weeks are over four to go. Its been a good time so far hopefully it continues.
This weekend wasn’t that eventful besides Toni visiting us for the weekend.
On friday we celebrated the german „Herrentag“ the spanish guys above us celebrated a birthday so it was a rather loud Friday. In the evening we wanted to go to a pub but it was rather late and they didn’t let us in. So we headed back home and I went to bed.
On Saturday we showed Toni a bit around the city. But the weather wasn’t great so we didn’t showed him that much.
Today we spend most of the time at home watching movies. In the evening we went to tesco to get some groceries for the week

Weekend with Toni

Hello everyone!

This week we have Toni visiting us. I am really happy about it because I really miss the other ones like George and Angelo and now we have Toni here and that is at least something. Together we went with Toni through Belfast and showed him some sights like the Albert Tower or the Victoria City Center. It was really fun the time with him, he told us a lot from his work and he also told us something about his host family in Dublin. Toni promised that he will come here more often because its more intresting here and so we are together.

celebrating birth day with our spanish neighbours

Yesterday one of our spanish neighbours was celebrating is 30th birtday and we all gathered in his apartment to have a nice cup of hot tea combined with tradiontal spanish food which was made really well made and was delicious. After having long lasting discussion about the culuture differences and the ongoing developemnt in our home countries we went to a local pub which also a kind of gambling center. We had an awesome time everyone was really friendly and we definitley made some new friends here. Today I took the cab to the International Airport of Belfast setting up my contract with the car rental which in the end was refused due my lack of a Visa card. Still I wasn’t going to give up and I made a new appointment for tommorow, this time equipped with a Visa card. Our plan is to follow up the coast and see all the nice places we already heared about. Finally we are going to wittness the true nature of the green country.

Site surveys and In-building wireless

On Thursday a co-worker and I went to Micro Focus to do a site survey to see if its possible to put in our lights without any problems and to see what we have to buy to make it possible.
After that I took a look at our pilot project in the Derry City Council to see if we still have any motion detection at times where no one is in.

On Friday I prepared a bit for the CCNA NetRiders next Wednesday. In the Afternoon I did a bit of research for In-building Wireless for a project that we’re working on.

testing environment

After learning a bit more about Java Script I got in a meeting a so called „knowledge share“ which was really interesting to witness. I got introduced to some new features and side projects which are running in the background and I wasn´t aware of. My task for the week was to write a little script which is going to test some new implementations written by a colleague of mine. This is going to test wheather the text to speech enginge is recognizing our written code including audio feedback which is really usefull to have. I am really looking forward to the weekend as there is an awfull lot happening but more about that soon!