First free weekend in Belfast

Hi everyone!

Like it was said in the title that was our first free weekend we had in Belfast but it wasnt that spectacular like you could imagine. Most of the time we were sitting at home and were watching the british television. I for myself love british television shows like „Doctor Who“ or „Sherlock“ are really awesome shows with a lot of drama and thrill. today however we decided to go out and have a little BBQ. The weather was like always not the best but we got that going for us. The hardest thing at the BBQ was to get it started because a the wet air the fire extinguished really quick but after some time we finally made it and the meat was well done like it has to be. Now we are justing in our flat and relax ourleves because tomorrow is our first day of work.


The last few days

I used the last few days to get to know Belfast a bit more.
Yesterday we went to the city while the first of 21 stages of the big cycle race Giro d’Italia was going down.
The streets were filled with people and it was like whole Belfast came out to see and to cheer the competitors.
Many stores were decorated in pink and the windows were full of pink cyclists. Since a few days there was a big stage
where you had the chance to see an entertainment program full of music, talks and other attractions.
After viewing the end of the race (with the German „Marcel Kittel“ as winner) Martin, Leo and me decided to go to the big Metro Tesco
in the city center. It was hard to find a way through the masses of the people but with a lot of scramble and some time we were able to reach before it closed.
After buying some groceries and taking a cab back home we had a nice evening with a few people we met in front of our flat.
They were musicians and went for an aftershow party to the club opposite to our home.
Tomorrow Eric, Max and me will have our first work day at Concentrix and we look forward to have a good and productive time there.
The company lately announced that they will create around 1.000 new jobs in Belfast so I think there is a plenty of work to do.

The Irish Food

Hello everyone,

the food in Ireland is very expensive and the fast food is not the same like it is in germany.
So it takes a lot of time to get used to it.
For Example the „Döner“ is completly different to the „Döner“ from germany but it is an experience.
They meat which is used is lam.

and the living costs are very high.
You´ll have to decide what you can buy and what is useless, but in the supermarkets there are a lot of offers so you can for example buy 2 for the price of one.
In the appartements there are modern kitchens so we are saving some money by cooking some of our favorite dishes from home.

Giants Causeway and a few more stops

Today Nick, Maria and I decided to do a little bit of sightseeing and bought a tour to Dunluce Castle, Giants Causeway, Carrick-a-Rede and our last stop was a nice little beach.
Our tour started at 9am, the bus picked us up at our language school, afterwards we went on and picked up a few more guys before we headed to the Dunluce Castle.
It took as about an hour and a half to reach our first stop Dunluce Castle. The weather at that point was very bad, it was raining during our drive to the castle and our stay there.
We stayed at the castle for about 20 minutes before we had to leave.

After we all gathered at the bus we headed towards Giants Causeway. It took us another 30 minutes to reach it. We stayed there for about 1hour 45minutes. Luckily the weather got better and it stopped to rain, besides a few minutes of rain every now and then. Even the sun came out and it stayed like that for the rest of our tour. The view is just amazing.

Our next stop was Carrick-a-Rede, it took us maybe 20minutes to reach it. Our driver dropped us out and told us that we got 1hr 15minutes before we have to leave. So we made our way to the bridge it took us 30 minutes from the parking lot to the bridge itself. The view during our walk to the bridge just amazing the weather was perfect, only a few clouds and sunshine.

Our last stop was the beach where we spend another 20 minutes which we (Nick, Maria and I) used to get some lunch and just relaxing from our journey. We made our way back to Belfast along the coastline which took us approximately 2hr.

A Warm Welcome

The first couple of days passed by and I am more and more adapting to my environment which took some time especially if you are used to really high german food standards and cheap prices. Here in Northern Ireland the clocks really tick differently, not only are the people really unique but there is something about Belfast which is completely new to me. But one thing after another:

We had to call the police after just one day being here because there were some random strangers we could not identify who were throwing stones at the window and managed to break one. After talking to the cops on the phone we could hear them arriving just a couple of minutes later. We had a really informative chat with them in which they told us, that this would be their 600th something case just today (and it was still the early afternoon). This truly was an odd way of greeting your new neighbours and of course the the police couldn’t do anything about it so we just called our landlord and our agency telling them about the situation. Our landlord told us that he will send somebody to fix it and we went on spending some good times around the city and forgetting about the incident.

And. Here. We. Go!

Well not quite… It’s only Saturday evening and I need to tell you about what happened the last couple of days.

On Wednesday, we met Margaret for the first time. She seems nice enough and is – as far as I can tell – quite committed to making our stay here as enjoyable an experience as can be. I found out where I was supposed to be working, had it not been for a change in personnel in the Beaumont Hospital, which is only about 10 minutes from where I am staying now. They cancelled because, with the changes going on, they wouldn’t have the time to take care of me properly. Margaret however, told me not to worry because she was expecting to hear from another company that very evening. I was not concerned in the least because I was kind of looking forward to another couple of days of vacation. 😉

Thor’s day, was in fact so uneventful that I don’t even remember what I did except for uploading the report I had written on Wednesday but hadn’t have the energy to fill with pictures, yet. Ah! I bought a little container of Nivea Night Cream that was supposed to help with healing my lips and nose because I had actually rubbed them raw with the tissues and the Vaseline only made it worse. The cream helped a great deal although the first couple of times it burned like a sonovabitch but I guess they couldn’t just print:” Don’t apply on raw flesh; hurts like a sonovabitch!” on the container…

Yesterday was our last day of school here in Ireland though we’ll be learning a great deal in the weeks to come. When are you ever done learning, right?! We had a little exam and saw Due Date afterwards. It’s a movie with Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man) and Zach Galifianakis (Hangover) who plays a character that nobody could ever stand. It was a lot of fun and I actually didn’t remember this movie being that funny.
After being presented with a certificate for the completion of the course, Toni, George and I went to eat a burrito. We had about an hour after lunch, to get to the Guinness Storehouse and Margaret’s office which is right around the corner of the aforementioned. We decided to walk instead of taking the bus, which turned out to be a good idea because for one, it was a nice and sunny day and the other, we walked by Christ Church Cathedral. Now, I’m not religious but I do appreciate nice architecture and the Head of the Church kind of does, too.


CCC looks really cool with all its really interesting features that come from the repeated reconstruction and probably also adding of specific features, popular at certain times. Margaret later told us, that visitors are actually allowed into the crypt beneath the Cathedral and that is something I am definitely going to check out.
When we arrived at Margaret’s office, she gave us a small tour through the building which actually holds a huge variety of different start-ups and a lot of IT-based businesses. She also handed me the information concerning my work placement but I will write about that later [probably next week ;)].

The tour at the Guinness Storehouse was self-guided which was cool because you could set your own pace. While the process of brewing a Guinness is much like that of brewing any other beer (e.g. Kilkenny, Berliner Pilsner, Becks, Heineken, etc.), George, Toni and I had the opportunity to participate in a course, teaching us how to taste a Guinness the way it is intended.


We went on upwards to the Sky Bar after finishing the class with honors. Well maybe not honors but at least we had a small Guinness before now getting a bigger one. The view from Sky Bar is great. If it hadn’t been as crowded, I would have taken the time to read all the information provided on the glass all around the bar but we just barely managed to find a spot to take a few pictures before leaving there and finishing our pints in the middle of the room.


The Sky Bar being the end of the tour, we decided to go home and not linger on too long. I came home to a salad with eggs, ham and cheese and a cup of tea with Ann. We talked about a variety of different topics ranging from the way her house used to look 25 years ago when they first moved here to the disgraceful murder of a young woman in Galway who was stabbed by a 27 year old man, yesterday. Ann’s daughter Deirdre came by later to do Ann’s hair and I took that as a cue to go to my room. Before going to bed I booked a trip with Travelling Languages (our school here in Dublin) for the 24th and 25th of May for 145€ to Connemara. It’s supposed to play further into my language learning experience here and I’m looking forward to it.

I met George today at around 12 o’clock. We wanted to go to O’Connell Street to buy shirts and a tie for him at Penneys as well as postcards and stamps. I was looking to buy shoes that would withstand the Connemara weather but all they had at Penneys were flip-flops. We had lunch at Papa John’s, a pizza place, for 8€ each including a soda from the infamous Coca-Cola brand. It was a lot of fun, waiting for the little doohickey to vibrate so you know your order is ready. When I was walking home a couple of hours ago, it started to rain again, naturally. But as Roger Miller put it:” Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet.” I’ll let you be the judges to which kind of person I am in this case.


Have a good night!

PS: This post scriptum is actually only here so I can brag about having over 1000 words in one of my posts. I hope you’ll understand. It was a lot of fun! 😉

The first week is over

Hi there!

Right now, we are quite exactly one week in Ireland. We have passed our language school and made our first experiences with the country and the people. Taken as whole the lessons at the language school offered nothing really new for me, but I think they were a good preparation to adjust oneself to speak English, considering that we only can speak English starting on Monday. The language school aside, I guess we spent most of our time walking around. I’ve already been thinking of buying a bike, but actually I am lucky enough to have the shortest commute, so I will await the course of events. Today was our lazy day, we slept until noon and had breakfast. Maybe we will do something in the evening. Tomorrow we will visit the Gaints Causeway, so I hope the weather stays steady.

Giro d’Italia

Hi everybody!

Today we had our last day at school. We started as always at 9:00 am and in the first lesson we learned about wishes and regrets and where do you it and in which forms. That lesson was over really fast and we went to the break. In the second lesson we got a new teacher because our other teacher Gale was sick that day. In this lesson we had multiple texts with multiple headlines und cover pictures which we had to match correctly. The time went by really quick like the other one before and leo and I went down to get our certificate. He got his certificate for the C1 level and I for B2 and I dont really understand it because we where in the same course. However I am still lucky that I got it.

Then right after school Leo, Martin and I decided to go to the city center to watch the Giro d’Italia but there was nothing because there were still in the preparation. So we split up, Leo and Martin went to the city court and I went through the street looking for some nice shops and I founds one. The shop is called „Forbidden Planet“ and is full with comic and cartoon stuff. I spend like an hour in there and looked at all the stuff they had. Now I can call a parody book of the brony fandom, a card game and a BMO plushie mine. Tomorrow I will go there again because I am going to meet a guy here from Belfast to watch some cartoons togehter and have a little chat.


Language School and the Gym

Hello everyone,

today we finished the language school.
It was very funny, because all of the teachers were very nice. I’m in a class with a Switzer, a lot of spanish people and two people from Italy.
Everybody has their own dialect and it was sometimes hard to understand this people, but after one day it works.
After the school Tim, Nick and me went to the Queens Gym which is called Technogym.
At first we rode the bikes. Meanwhile you can watch movies, listen music, play games on the screen. I have never seen this before.
The gym has a lot of squash halls, gym rooms and all kinds of sports equipments, which are needed for a perfect trainin, but it is very expensive it cost 6 pounds a day or for two month 65 pounds.
And it was a lot of fun.