Everything has an only the sausage has two

Time went by so fast, and now we’re almost done with our language trip. It feels like we just got here, but two weeks have already passed, and we’ve had so many adventures.

We’ve been lucky with the weather again, and today is no different as the sun is shining bright while we head to visit the next IT company, Nokia.

At Nokia, we went to their lab where they test and research different phone networks. It was really interesting to see how they do it.

After the lab tour, we had a little chat about the last two weeks. Everyone felt sad that it’s ending. We all had such a good time.

These past two weeks were amazing. I learned a lot, met new people, and had some cool experiences.

Looking back, I’m really happy I came on this trip. It was worth it. I can’t wait to see how I’ll use what I learned in the future.

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