small projects getting bigger

Does this sound familiar to someone? You start with a conceptional piece of software and suddenly someone decides it should become the new company wide business solution…
How does such a thing happen?
This week my boss came back from his vacation and we talked briefly about my progress during his absence. After describing my approach he and his boss came to see my framework (which I described here in an earlier post) in action.
They both were pleased with my results and I will present my software to the board of directors this week. They had some requests regarding the kind of data and the representation of it which i was able to implement after my lunch break.
That’s where the work on the solid architecture of my framework begins to pay off, I can implement new features on the fly now! YAY!
Another thing I finished today is the final design of a matching database architecture which is very flexible and functional (it has to remain in 2rd normal form in order to still allow some flexibility).

2 Gedanken zu „small projects getting bigger“

  1. Have you ever asked for a more challenging task. It seems to me that you work far below your capabilities. I understand almost half of what you write. So until I understand only about 25% you are not working with all your skill.

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