Paul Panser – Many things happened

Hello my friends of the sun!

I’m sorry, but I was really busy the last week, so I couldn’t write any more blog entrys…

Take your time, it’s very long ^^

Wow where should I begin? Thursday last week I was at 0830 o’clock at work. There I had to get to know the infastructure of my company, but there was a more important matter. The air conditioner in our datacenter gets renewed and they would shut down every server in the datacenter. That’s why my peers shutted down every single vmware server remotely on thursday. I had to watch them carefully and by the way Alan, my project boss, tried to explain everything to me. I really learned a lot and I saw that my peers are very skilled. In the afternoon I met with Sven in front of the Odyssey. There we were watching the movie ‚Sucker Punch‘. Note for all men: WATCH IT! ^^ „Paul Panser – Many things happened“ weiterlesen

Paul Panser – Start of the First Week

Hi there busy readers!

The first week in Belfast had started early on Monday.  We were supposed to meet with Kevin Shine at the  RSM Tenon Office. He introduced us to the working life in Belfast and told us how we have to behave. After that some of us had their first interviews with their work placements. The rest of us, me included, were free for the rest of the day and went trough the shopping area around the Victoria Street. We drank some coffee and searched for an electronics shop. Maybe you don’t believe me, but I think there is only one shop in Belfast which sells only electronics stuff. „Paul Panser – Start of the First Week“ weiterlesen

Paul Panser – First Weekend

Hello folks, Panzaaa I am greeting you =)

The first two days of our journey were very eventful. We waited a long time at the airport and for smokers like Pascal and myself it were very hard to endure. The fact that Alexander doesn’t were allowed to fly with us to Ireland took me really hard, because he was supposed to be my roommate. The fly was good and the bus drive was good too, but most of the time  I was asleep. „Paul Panser – First Weekend“ weiterlesen