Paul Panser – Many things happened

Hello my friends of the sun!

I’m sorry, but I was really busy the last week, so I couldn’t write any more blog entrys…

Take your time, it’s very long ^^

Wow where should I begin? Thursday last week I was at 0830 o’clock at work. There I had to get to know the infastructure of my company, but there was a more important matter. The air conditioner in our datacenter gets renewed and they would shut down every server in the datacenter. That’s why my peers shutted down every single vmware server remotely on thursday. I had to watch them carefully and by the way Alan, my project boss, tried to explain everything to me. I really learned a lot and I saw that my peers are very skilled. In the afternoon I met with Sven in front of the Odyssey. There we were watching the movie ‚Sucker Punch‘. Note for all men: WATCH IT! ^^

On Friday I had to be at the office at 0730 o’clock, because Greg, a peer of mine, and I were supposed to go to the datacenter to shut down our servers physically. We drove to a hospital in the west of the city. At the datacenter we already shutted down one half of our servers and then it became awfully quiet in the serverroom… O.o . A serverroom… quiet… does that ring a bell? All current was gone! I have to mention that it was 0920 o’clock and the current was supposed to be cut off at 1000 o’clock. But some idiot of the electronics engineers pulled out some cabels too early. Lucky for us, because our important servers were already shutted down.

At the evening Chris, Mateuzs, René, Kai and  me were checking out three different bars in Belfast. The first club in our list was rumored, ‚The Duke of York‘. Yeah… when we found it after a 30 minutes search we were kinda shocked, but see for yourself:

The lane was very crowded and half of the crowd were already drunken… So we slipped trough the mass of people and searched for another bar on our list of favorite bars. The next stop was at the ‚Whites Tavern‘, the so called oldest Pub in Belfast. There we only drank a pein of Guinness outside, because inside there was no seats left for us. Our bar-trip continued, Yeah!… But when we stood in front of the ‚Merchant Bar‘ and looked right in there we all had the same thought: „Man, I am really underdressed for that bar“. So we ended up in the ‚Stiff Kitten Bar‘ next to the ‚Stiff Kitten Club‘, but later more of that club. I really liked the bar. The people were almost our age and the music was good, but the drinks were very expensive und the music was a little bit loud. In the end we were talking a lot and I had my fun at this night.

Saturday I slept really long, to 1200 o’clock I think. During the day nothing really happened. We played C&C Generals and cleaned and tidied up the whole apartment.

At night René and I met with Sven to check out the Stiff Kitten Club. Yeah what should I say, there were a lot of girls with short dresses or skirts. I liked it ^^. Then some noname band had their first performance of their tour, but it was something like Pop music I think. So we ended up drinking some beer, but the alcohol was really weak there. After the performance we danced again a little bit and get to know some people(women) outside.

The next morning on Sunday I slept half of the day and then do some food shopping. That was pretty much all for that day. My weekend was really good, we got to know some women, we discovered that Sven and I are even more of the same type than we thought before and I threw 60 pounds away :D.

Monday at work we all had nothing to do. Matt, my instructor is on an advanced training in London and the datacenter was still shutted down. I used the free time to learn more about my company Steria, like what ISO’s they have, what they do for their partners and which kinds of technology they use often. The rest of the day I did nothing worthy to talk about…

However, my tuesday was quite interesting. I met with Stephen, one of my peers, in front of the BT Tower in Belfast. We worked for a goverment company. I don’t know if I’m allowed to puplish the name of this company, so I won’t do it. There, we tinkered with a server a little bit. The first thing we had to do after that was to configure Raid1 and Raid5 on the server, which was quite easier than I had imagined. Then we installed VMware ESX on the Raid1 part. After that we had to log on remotely on this server with the VMware vSphere Client to configure it. It was quite easy and handy and I think if I ever install a server at my home, I will use that method, too. That day was really interesting for me, because I never done this stuff before. Thank you Steria! 🙂

At night Chris and I met with Sven at the Laverys Bar, because it was the day of Sven’s birthday!!! Happy Birthday to you again :D. At 1200 o’clock we were done celebrating Svens birthday. Then it was time to celebrate my birthday! Yay! =) We stayed at the bar until it closed, therfore 0100 o’clock in the morning. It was really a funny night. And remember: The Laverys Bar has a really good irish feeling und the best Guinness beer I drank so far =).

After 5 hours sleep I was really destroyed. But hey, it is my Birthday today, so I don’t care :). Today I drove with Stephen to Omagh to deliver the server we build up yesterday to a subsidiary of the company. There we found a little office off the civilization. We had to build up a reck from zero and test it after that. That took us the whole day and our only problem was that the battery of the power supply didn’t work. After we tidied up the room we drove back to Belfast. After we ate something at a restaurant I took a nap in the car, because I lacked on sleep ^^.

In the evening I skyped a little bit with my familie, because it was still my birthday!!! xD During the day I got many SMS from my family and friends back in Germany, and I think about 60 people gratulated me on facebook O.o. Denny gratulated me thrice xD. Pascal even wrote a blog entry 😀

I thank you all for your gratulations! It made my day =). I love ya all 😀

And again, some pictures

The City Hall at night, even more beautiful, right?

Rene our big hitter ^^

Inside the Stiff Kitten Club

In the Laverys Bar

What a mess =)

See ya!

P.S.: I still don’t like tea ^^

3 Gedanken zu „Paul Panser – Many things happened“

  1. hi paulchen
    hast ja wieder einiges erlebt , freut mich das du neben der arbeit deinen spass hast und die clubs und bars erkundest 😉
    schöne frauen gibt es also überall auf der welt …smile….

    offensichtlich habt ihr ähnliche probleme mit euren servern und den technikern wie zb elektriker die den strom zu früh abschalten 😉 aber ihr habt es ja in den griff bekommen , deine arbeit macht dir spass , die leute sind ok was will man mehr ….

    das du bis mittags schläfst ..grinz…ist das was neues ?? nääää
    naja wir wünschen dir weiterhin viel spass …pass auf dich auf

    ps: hab mich etwas geärgert das du an deinem geburtstag keine zeit gefunden hast zumindest kurz mit mir über skype zu reden , aber irgendwie verstehe ich das auch …

    alos dicken kuss von mir und max und ganz liebe grüße von uns allen dein dich liebender paps

  2. Hi Paule,

    ich denke Du lernst da was und prüfst nicht nur die Pubs. Komm gesund wieder und lern fleißig! Trink auf jeden Fall einen für uns mit, wenn Du trotz der vielen „Arbeit“ dazu kommst 😉


  3. Hallo Paul, wir sind von unserem Familientrip zurück und haben sehr oft von dir gesprochen. Es wäre schön gewesen, wenn du dabei gewesen wärst, aber du hast ja auch ganz interessante Wochenenden (und ziemlich teure) 😉
    Deine Arbeit macht dir viel Spaß und du lernst Neues kennen. Schade ist nur, dass du noch immer kein Teetrinker geworden bist, obwohl es am Anfang so aussah.
    Auch wir hätten uns über eine Reaktion von dir gefreut. Halte die Ohren steif, denk hin und wieder mal an uns und komme gesund zurück. Wir freuen uns, dass es dir so gut gefällt. Liebe Grüße von Omi und MICH

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