An army of repeater

At the last days me and my coworker Jannik had been installing a lot of repeater. The configuration is not so easy, because the repeater can act as a bridge or an access point or both together and in combination with the repeater mode. So we tried a lot of modes for the repeater. All these repeater are connected with one WLAN-Modem. But the problem is that they can’t establish a wireless connection to the Modem – only if they are wired. But this makes no sense because you must have these two devices. Our mentor had the brilliant idea that we can remove the WLAN-Modem. And what happens? It works. So the configuration and testing of days was a waste of time.

But the only problem wasn’t the testing. The modem and the repeaters refuse the service at several times and we didn’t know why. Yeah, it’s technics.
But at the end we have configured an army of repeater.

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