My first week at ECIT Institute

Working in this institute is quite awesome! My colleagues are polite, attentive and benevolent, my supervisor is such a funny guy; we guffaw every morning about his jokes. But if he needs to be the boss, you will respect him and you know that he is the boss. I am really grateful for having my placement at ECIT Institute, I had to choose on which areas I want to improve my knowledge and they do absolutely everything to realize my wishes and needs! It’s absolutely brilliant and I don’t tire of saying “thank you very much”. For example, they allocate me my own Cisco lab for two weeks and I am allowed to implement a site to site VPN in my own testing network. It’s just out of this world. Besides my chosen projects I am responsible for doing the daily service support and that really improves my English skills. It’s great, that’s what I am here for. So in my opinion I really found the pot of gold, my heartfelt thanks to Kevin Shine who arranged this placement for me.

Titanic Dock

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